The Image of Chinese Woman Under Western Curiosity Psychology

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  【Abstract】Eunice Tietjens, subeditor of Poetry (the vital periodical of Imagism and Modern poetry),who has travelled Middle East and the Fast East. Her anthology Profiles From China pays attention to the the Chinese image in the eyes of Western people during the period of early 20th century. During this period, the description of China as cultural “other” is both formulaic and stereotyped. This paper, from the perspective of Imagology, focuses on the female image-building in the anthology Profiles From China and how to meet the curiosity psychology of western society.
  【Key Words】 Curiosity Psychology; China’s Image; Stereotype; Culture Other
  【作者简介】Su Jing wen,Graduate School, Harbin Normal University.
  Ⅰ.Brief Introduction on Eunice Tietjens
  As an American writer, Eunice Tietjens is one of the few female writers in the period of the first half of the 20th century who has traveled China and has introduced Chinese culture to America. In 1917, based on her own experience, Eunice Tietjens published her anthology Profiles From China, which has aroused great repercussion at the whole society, and further aroused the curiosity of Americans toward China. Profiles From China is an anthology written in free verses, and introduces Chinese custom and unique living circumstances of common people in China, in which The Drug Clerk and The Steam Shovel introduce contemporary, sociological subject matters.
  Ⅱ.The Stereotype Image of Chinese Women
  The Chinese image shaped by Eunice Tietjens, objectively embodies the appearances of China, meanwhile it caters to the expectations of American readers. In Western readers’ deep mind, at that time, China is a nation of weaklings with backward thinking and comprehensive national strength is poor. Strong culture views weak culture as inferior culture “other”, that’s why Chinese culture has been viewed as the antithesis of developed countries, especially America. If foreigners want to focus their attention on China, the most direct way is to integrate into the life of common people from all walks of life and different occupations. Only by field trip, giving an insight into Chinese society can readers in West better know China as cultural “other”.
  When Eunice Tietjens came to China, she had some contact with ordinary people who gave her some inspirations on writing. The anthology Profiles From China provides westerners some angles to know this country with years of civilization. Eunice Tietjens showed the real life of ordinary people who has been persecuted by feudal system.   When it comes to the image of women in the early years of 20th century, the image that immediately appears in the westerner’s mind is a stunted bent woman with tiny feet. It seems to be the only image of Chinese women. In western literature, a series of “cliches” which are used to introduce Chinese women and later become stereotyped. “The system of the social culture can play a vital reference role while writers create their figures. To a certain extent, each character has reflects some aspect of the culture.” In the anthology Profiles From China, the poem My Servant describes a foot-bending woman.
  “ The feet of my servant thump on the floor. Thump,
  they go, and thump-dully, deformedly.
  My servant has shown me her feet.
  The instep has been broken upward into a bony cushion.
  The big toe is pointed as an awl. The small
  toes are folded under the cushioned instep. Only
  the heel is untouched.
  The thing is white and bloodless with the pallor of dead flesh.”
  What western writers want to show is nothing more than Oriental exoticism, and the works of foreign scholars are aimed at introducing China to western readers. In order to cater to readers’ demands, writers inevitably choose some aspects which inspire the imaginations and curiosity of western readers. Eunice Tietjens is good at grasping the curiosity psychology of western readers and thus introduces the current situation of Chinese women at the beginning of the 20th century, which to a large extent meets the need of self-identity of westerners.
【摘要】课堂导入环节对学生来说具有启发性的作用,直接影响高中英语课堂的质量和效率。万事开头难,导入正是高中英语课堂的起点,教师若能运用合理的导入策略,结合实际教学内容和目标,快速吸引学生注意力,循序渐进地推动教学进程,那么这堂英语课相当于已经成功了一半。导入时间有限,导入方法因人而异,如何掌控好高中英语课堂导入环节是教师的重要探究任务。  【关键词】高中英语;策略;导入  【作者简介】杨艳艳(19
【摘要】培养初中生的跨文化交际意识和能力是初中英语教学的目的之一。为此,充分认知其必要性,并从提高教师自身文化素养和课堂教学两角度采取切实可行的策略,是必需的。  【关键词】初中英语;跨文化交际能力;策略  【作者简介】林狮水,福建省泉州市洛江区就南中学。  尽管初中英语教学不得不因考试的存在而强化学生的应试能力,但英语课标对课程“具有工具性和人文性双重性质”的规定性,也决定了教师教学必要因培养学
【摘要】在“大众创业,万众创新”的社会环境下,倡导在大学英语教学中融入創新创业教育,符合当下社会发展趋势,体现了高职院校的办学特色,符合高职院校人才培养目标。本文分析了将创新创业教育融入大学英语教学的可行性以及实践途径,使英语教学与创新创业教育结合,有助于调动学生学习积极性和主动性,实现有效教学,培养社会、企业所需要的高素质复合型人才。  【关键词】高职大学英语教学;创新创业;研究;实践  【作者
【摘要】家国情怀是每一个公民必备的品德,特别是在素质教育改革以来,家国情怀的培养成了众多教师专注的问题。在初中英语课堂中教师应肩负起家国情怀培养的责任,找出英语课程教学中的家国情怀渗透方法,引导学生树立爱国的意识,形成爱国主义精神,认同本民族文化。基于此,本文从家国情怀的概念出发,针对初中英语课堂中的家国情怀培养策略进行重点阐述,以供参考。  【关键词】初中英语;家国情怀;策略  【作者简介】汤雅
【摘要】作业是教学活动的重要组成部分,是延伸课堂教学内容,帮助学生复习、巩固、应用知识,拓宽学习视野的重要途径。随着英语新课程改革的推进,开放式教育理念逐渐渗透到小学英语教学实践中来,教育工作者针对传统教学模式中英语作业设计的局限,对创新、开放型作业进行探索。基于此,本文从开放式教育视角着眼,结合实际对小学英语作业创新设计进行探究,以期对小学英语开放教育改革提供借鉴。  【关键词】开放式教育;小学
【摘要】在英语教学改革不断深入的环境下,英语绘本在小学英语教学中受到了越来越多的应用,可是因为还处在应用探索阶段,教学理论与方式还不够完善,而为了能够将其价值有效发挥出来,本文则是对基于多元智能理论下的小学英语绘本阅读教学进行了探究。  【关键词】多元智能理论;小学英语;绘本阅读教学  【作者简介】董静静,江苏省徐州市沛县歌风小学。  引言  在全球经济不断发展的环境下,英语这一门课程受到的重视也
英语是初中生必学的课程之一,但传统的课堂灌输模式很容易使学生对学习英语产生厌倦感,进而导致初中英语教学效率的下降,因此初中英语教学对于培养学生学习英语的兴趣和良好的学习习惯具有重要的意义。初中英语教学不同于其他课程,需要不断在口语锻炼中将教材知识内化。  随着教育事业的不断发展,教育的改革理念也得到了非常大的关注,新式的教学理念更加被学生和教师们所需要。在教育部门新发布的课程标准来看,不仅仅只限于
【摘要】游戏教学法主要是让学生在游玩中学习,在学习中游玩,通过寓教于乐的方式,培养学生的学习兴趣。此次论文主要探讨的是游戏教学法在小学英语教学中的应用以及进一步的分析。  【关键词】游戏教学法;小学英语;教学应用;分析  【作者简介】张路路,江苏省连云港市石桥中心小学。  英语是一门语言学科,对于小学生而言,学习英语具有一定的难度。为此,教师融入了一种趣味的教学方式,让学生通过游戏的方式,在潜意识
【摘要】在当前新课改的时代背景下,改革课程评价体系可以有效的强化高中英语教学。开放性、多元化的评价体系对英语学习至关重要。本文主要通过对教学评价进行分析,将新课改背景作为基础,探索出一套正确的课程评价体系,使评价成为英语教学的重要组成部分。  【关键词】新课改;课程评价体系;高中英语教学  【作者簡介】李杭,福建省闽清高级中学。  一、高中英语教学现状  英语作为一门外语,教育和学习起来本身就具有