超现实主义摄影起源于20世纪20年代的法国巴黎,核心人物是安德列.布雷顿。超现实主义者不承认现状,力图表现生活中较为阴暗的一面,如梦幻、荒谬和罪恶。当今的数字技术为超现实主义摄影提供了非常方便的技术支撑,但是我们不想看到那些自己说不清楚,别人也看不懂,离奇怪诞的自己还以为时髦的精神垃圾作品。此次酷睿极客训练营后期创意比赛中,超现实组多数作者的思想艺术修养水平还有待提高,对超现实主义摄影的理解不够深入,运用数字技术较简单,制作欠精良。超现实主义摄影一定是建立在生活经历丰富、艺术修养积累厚重和对数字技术运用娴熟的基础条件下,才能制作出具有深刻思想内涵、富有表现力和艺术生命力的精美作品,也希望各位比赛的参与者能再下次的比赛中再接再厉。(更多作品请登录 www.foto-video.cn)
Surreal photography originated in Paris, France in the 1920s, with Andrey Breton as its central figure. Surrealists do not recognize the status quo, trying to show the more gloomy side of life, such as fantasy, absurdity and sin. Today’s digital technology provides very convenient technical support for surrealistic photography, but we do not want to see spiritual junk works that we ourselves do not understand, others do not understand, weird and weird. In the latter part of the creative competition of Core Geek Camp, most of the surrealist writers still need to improve their ideological and artistic accomplishments. Their understanding of surrealistic photography is not deep enough. The use of digital technology is relatively simple and its production is not well done. Surrealist photography must be based on rich life experience, accumulation of artistic accomplishments, and skillful use of digital technology under the basic conditions in order to produce a profound ideological content, expressive and artistic vitality of the exquisite works, I hope you race Participants can redouble their efforts in the next race. (More works, please visit www.foto-video.cn)