According to nonlinear vibration theory and Hertz theory, the relationship between rail waviness and longitudinal self-excited vibration amplitude of wheel rail and longitudinal axis of contact ellipse is analyzed. The analysis shows that the mechanism of rail wavling is that the amplitude of self-excited vibration of wheelset is greater than And the length of the contact ellipse is the same as the longitudinal axis of the ellipse.For the actual wheel and rail system, the condition of corrugation is that the wheelset traverse is greater than the critical value.Accordingly, the process of corrugation formation is simulated and the reproduction experiment is designed. The results show that when the wheelset traverse amount is 8mm, the shortwave (16 ~ 20mm) ripples are generated on the contact surface, and the test wheels for the reproduction test are carried out on the rolling vibration test rig.When the horizontal displacement is 8mm and 11mm , The first wave is generated, the former wavelength is uniform, about 20mm; the latter wavelength is not uniform, between 18 ~ 27mm .Transfer amount of 6mm no significant wave mill. Simulation calculations and tests are supported on the wave mill mechanism and Conclusion of the conditions.