Positive Discourse Analysis of Premier’s Press Conference throughAppraisal Theory

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  1 Background of the research
  In 1952,American structural linguist Z.S.Harris put forward the discourse analysis firstly and it has developed for fifty years.So far,the research on discourse analysis is mainly classified into critical discourse analysis and non-critical discourse analysis.In 1999,J.R.Martin came up with a new notion called Positive Discourse Analysis(PDA for short),which made discourse analysis research obtain a new headway.
  2 The definition of Appraisal Theory
  The theoretical framework of the Positive Discourse Analysis mainly centers on the Appraisal Theory.The Appraisal Theory originates from traditional systematic functional linguistics making a research on interpersonal meaning and develops on the basis of the research,also namely appraisal system.It focuses on how to establish the speaker’s own attitude and standpoint in the context.The Appraisal Theory puts its concentration on the vocabulary level,made an in-depth study on the language attitude resources of the speaker,especially concerning the language attitude of the speaker body,so as to provide relative systematic analytical appliance for the study on interpersonal meaning.It includesattitude and engagement.
  3 The definition of the Positive Discourse Analysis
  Martin along with White has carried out a thorough discussion on motivation,content and manner of the Positive Discourse Analysis.They thought,evaluation theory equipped with functional grammar can not only be used to criticize but also construct;that is the Positive Discourse Analysis,which is came up with by Martin according to the shortcomings of the critical discourse.Positive Discourse Analysis refers to evaluate passages,news or contexts with a favorable attitude and analyzes targeted context with a complete and constructive standpoint.
  4 PDA of premier’s remarks:Attitude
  4.1 Affect resources
  Affect resources refer to ones that reflect feelings,emotions and relationships.It is classified into negative and positive emotion.When answering journalists’ questions,premiers cannot avoid coping with some hot issues such as Chinese companies to make investment and do business overseas.As to the words concerning government policies in reform,premier’s positive emotion should show more in conference.
  For example,“我們也愿意看到中国企业走出去(+affect),中国公民到国外去创业。”
  In China’s real estate market,for example,“我们支持居民自住性住房和改善性住房需求(+affect),促进房地产市场长期平稳健康发展。”
  From the perspective of Positive Discourse Analysis,the words underlined and explained with the illustration in brackets can show intense affect.The series of words present that it is a kind of political strategy for premier to use positive affect resources to cheer up people,show confidence and display strength of Chinese government to tackle with some tough obstacles faced in China.   4.2 Judgment resources
  Judgment is the evaluation on people’s characters,behaviors and personalities.Judgment resources occupy the largest proportion in the whole attitude system.Similarly,it can be classified into positive judgment and negative one.The following examples of the underlined words are good presentation of positive judgment resources.
  Premier makes judgments on the functional changes and institute reform on the status of social esteem and social sanction.
  For example,“本屆政府会继续下大力气来推进简政放权。”
  Premier presents that the government has made up its mind to adapt some powerful measures not only aiming to motivate people’s activity and enthusiasm to start up new business,but also with the purpose of building a clean and efficient government.
  Another example which has something with anti-corruption centers on:“中国党和政府一贯坚持反腐倡廉的方针。” Premier’s statement again represents to the public about Chinese government has made strong efforts to ensure that all acts of corruption will be brought to account.
  Speaking of the environmental protection policies,for instance,“政府在治理雾霾等环境污染方面决心是坚定的,也是下了很大的气力。”
  4.3 Appreciation resources
  Appreciation resources are a kind of evaluation resource about reaction,composition and valuation.In Premier’s Press Conference,Premier always makes positive evaluations on government’s reform,people in Hong Kong and Taiwan and foreign relations.Through this way,premier is able to win much support and trust from the audience and make them believe that they will have a wonderful future,which also acts as a salient point in establishing harmonious society.
  For example,answering to the way getting along well with all the other countries,premier says “我们希望看到邻居之间都和睦相处,欧洲和其他国家共同发展,合作共赢的局面,这既有利于相关方,也有利于中国。” Admittedly,the words full of positive judgment resources indicate that China and the United States are different in state system,but what is more important for the two countries is to extensively share common interests.
  Premier adds,“当然,谈判向世界发出了明确的信号,就是中美经贸关系会更加密切,这个中美关系的‘压舱石’ 会更沉更稳。” These positive underlined words show that China advocates all the countries can make joint efforts to establish a new model of interstate relations characterised with no-conflict,no-confrontation,mutual respect and win-win cooperation all the time.
  4.4 PDA of premier’s remarks:Engagement
  4.4.1 Contract resources
  Contract resources include disclaim and proclaim.Disclaim is the refusal and replacement or the impropriety of some words or sounds.It is classified into negation (deny) or counter.According to the perspective of dialogue,negation is a resource for introducing the alternative positive position into the dialogue,and hence acknowledging it,so as to refuse it (Martin&White,2008).   For example,“但是你说有大量中国人到海外购房,而且成了某些热点城市的最大购买群体,这可能还需要做评估,我没有这方面确切的消息。” Negation resource“没有确切的消息”has obviously a feature of dialogue,which correspond to“消息不准确,并没有大量中国人海外购房”.By doing so,audiences will think that most Chinese are sensible to purchase houses overseas.Therefore,premier by using negation resources emphasize the positive meaning of stability and sensibility of Chinese consumer group towards the real estate market both home and abroad.
  Counter is to use one view or status to replace another,namely,to displace one voice with another.“Refute”is generally represented by typical conjunctions.
  For example,“去年我国经济增速放缓,但是就业不增反减,简政放权起了很重要的支撑作用。”
  In the first example,the foreign media only focus on the economy slowdown in China.They enjoy no achievements from streamlining administration and delegating government powers during the process of economic slowdown.
  Compared with disclaim,proclaim is relatively few.It is usually expressed by“of course,naturally,admittedly”.
  For example,“当然,治理环境污染是一个系统工程。”
  The use of resource“当然”means that premier’s statement is not controversial.The environmental management in any country does need a “marathon”in the long run.Premier says so in order to let people be aware that environmental protection is not implemented in one day.
  4.4.2 Expand resources
  Expand resources are composed of entertain resources and attribute resources.Attribute refers to that the author presents some views through others’ discourse and it does not occur in the Premier’s Press Conference in 2015.So the writer places more attention on entertain research.
  For example,“大陆将会继续维护台资企业和台商的合法权益,保持对他们的合理优惠政策。”
  The first example implies the premier hopes that through carrying out favorable policies to Taiwan,the two sides can further enhance personnel interflow and bring the hearts and minds of people across the Straits closer to each other.In the second example,premier proves China’s emphasis on Sino-America relations,as well as its active actions to build new model of major country relations featuring mutual respect and win-win cooperation.
  5 Major findings of the study
  By means of Positive Discourse Analysis,the positive meaning gets constructed and the purpose of Premier’s Press Conference is also achieved.The major findings may be established as the frequent use of positive vocabularies ensure the validity of evaluation resources in the data and the comprehensive analysis of the data make the purpose of Premier’s Press Conference come true from the perspective of Positive Discourse Analysis.That is the validity of the combination of Appraisal Theory with Positive Discourse Analysis.Hence operational mechanism of Positive Discourse Analysis and Appraisal Theory in the analysis of Premier’s Press Conference is achieved by interpreting evaluation resources from positive aspects successfully.
摘 要:通过以教师为主导,让学生小组合作自主学习课文,通过步步质疑走进文本,师生以旅游的方式快乐地学习这篇课文。这篇童话故事讲述了小云雀跟着妈妈飞出了森林,一路上的所见所感,明白了森林的作用,懂得了保护森林的重要。  关键词:小学语文;教学课例;自主学习;快乐学习  一、教材简析  本文是一篇童话故事,选自苏教版四年级下册第六单元的一篇课文,本单元是关于保护环境,改造环境的教育。讲述了小云雀跟着妈
摘 要:一、二年级的学生生性活泼好动,对新鲜事物充满好奇心,其语言学习的心理准备具有敏感性、倾向性和发展性的特征。这个时期的学生听、说能力领先于读、写能力。因此,我们在小学低年级的语文教学中,既要通过儿童的听、说能力来发展其读、写能力,又要利用儿童逐步获得的读、写能力来发展其原有的听、说能力。可是,低年级的语文课堂教学是以识字、写字为主,要想提高学生的写话能力,不是一朝一夕能练成的,仅靠一、两节课
人们总是感叹时间匆匆,一晃眼师范毕业就参加工作,做班主任竟然有20个年头了。随着儿子的出生做妈妈也有17年了。人生中我的大部分时光都在演绎着这两个角色。在这两个角色中转换,往往是分不清什么时候是老师什么时候是妈妈。  每一位妈妈即使她不是光荣的人民教师,但都能称得上是家里孩子的第一任老师。教会了人生中的第一个发音,迈出的第一个步伐,懂得的第一个道理,生存的第一个技能……  作为老师的20年里,多少
摘 要:合作学习作为一种新型的教学方式,已经成为小学语文课堂教学探讨的焦点,通过实践发现在具体的组织教学过程中很容易出现一些问题,比如:合作只停留在形式上;合作时个体小组成员参与度不均衡;合作超时没能完成教学目标;教师在评价每小组的学习结果时忽略个体的发展等。更好地发挥合作学习的教学方式,是解决这些实际问题,提高教学质量的有效措施。因此,笔者就如何提高小学语文小学过程中的小组合作学习提出了相关的策
摘 要:语文课前的几分钟至关重要,传统语文教学,课前教师以回顾旧知、检查预习等为主,几乎已成为程式化的做法;若能够充分开发利用,巧妙创意,有效训练,就能使语文课堂教学的前奏犹如花香清新入脾,引人入胜。把课前五分钟交还学生,让学生有备而来,尽情展现才华,增强了学生的参与意识,竞争意识和自主意识,激发学生的好奇心、求知欲和探索能力,让课堂未语先欢。  关键词:语文;语文教学;教学课堂  课前五分钟是语
摘 要:重视干部教育是我党多年以来的优良传统。本文从《习近平的七年知青岁月》入手,分析了其中体现的教育经验,帮助改进新形势下的干部教育。  关键词:习近平;干部教育  重视干部教育是我党多年以来的优良传统,是我们党的建设伟大工程中的重要一环,早在延安时期,我党就建立了每日两小时的学习制度。建国之后,又出台了大量的干部教育培训相关政策,以适应工作重心的转移需要。在《习近平的七年知青岁月》一书中,习近
在《醒狮文化与幼儿良好品行自我养成的研究》课题的研究与实践中,我们让幼儿参与醒狮服饰展示“醒狮时装秀”,旨在幼儿活动中把良好品行养成的习惯渗透其中。我们希望通过这次活动,使幼儿日常良好品行养成的习惯可以很好地得到规范,同伴间互相友爱,有团体意识,勇敢自信等良好品行都能够充分体现出来,实现“有爱心、善合作、懂道理、守信誉、乐表现”的养成目标。具体的实践过程如下。  一、创设醒狮造型服饰  在长期的课
摘 要:技师工作室,技师学院或技工院校的特有产物,是学习和实践的摇篮,是从学习到工作的桥梁,承接培养工作态度,工作习惯的场所,在培养高技能人才提供了平台,为同学们形成职业道德树立了标杆,我院从2009年建成第一间技师工作室,取名为众意广告工作室,8年的探索和实践,成就了很多了小老板,也成就了许多行业精英,为企业发展提供了支撑力量。  关键词:技师工作室;高技能;众意广告工作室;人才  21世纪,电
摘 要:设计和人们的生活息息相关,因为它的存在从某种角度就是为了更好的服务于大众,这点在市场上更得到了充分的体现。包装设计——无疑是这个大体系下最复杂而直接的体现之一。本文将以包装设计为主要论点,从而探讨设计的实用性体现在哪些方面,并如何正确的引导并服务于市場。  关键词:包装设计;功能性;装饰性;过度包装  在市场上,包装设计不仅仅作为设计者对产品的审美体现更是对产品的性价比有着重要的影响。无论