
来源 :小学生作文辅导(上旬) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongduiyue2008
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在每个人的潜意识里都有被承认、被肯定的愿望。作为一个孩子,由于年龄、知识、经验所限,他冥思苦想写出的作文,如果篇篇文章换回的都是老师挑剔的指责,缺点放大的否定,这必然导致他视写作为畏途,因此失去了写作的乐趣与信心。美国的教育家杰丝·雷耳曾说过这样一句话:“称赞对鼓励人类灵魂而言,就像阳光一样,没有它,我们就无法成长开花。”兴趣是最好的老师,鼓励是最好的方法。我们在评价学生的习作时,尽可能地找出学生习作中的闪光点,用放大 Everyone’s subconscious has been recognized as a positive desire. As a child, due to age, knowledge and experience, he is trying hard to write the essay. If the articles are replaced by teachers’ picky accusations, the shortcomings of enlargement will inevitably lead him to view the writing as a fear and thus lose Writing fun and confidence. United States educator Jesse Reer once said something like this: “Praising is like encouraging the sunshine of the human soul, and without it we can not grow and blossom.” Interest is the best teacher, encouragement Is the best way. When evaluating students’ assignments, we try our best to find out the bright spots in student work.
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