Work Life Balance
Lee is now a consultant for the Singapore Airline and Macau Galaxy Resort, as well as a special contributor to various wine media outlets.
Lee said that work is relaxed and enjoyable, because she does what she is passionate about. She recommends wine to clients and tells them what will be the results of particular wine-food combination. Lee is overjoyed with their reaction.
She is a mother of four and the biggest challenge is work life balance. She flies around the world and she finds it best to go on holiday with kids to strike work-life balance, that’s why she doesn’t work for at least two months every year.
葡萄酒大师(Master of Wine)是由葡萄酒商人团体(Wine and Spirits Association)与名酒酒商工会(Worshipful Company of Vintners)协力策划,于1953年开始设立的一种专业资格考试。该考试最初只对国籍是英国的考生开放,1987年才开始对非英国公民开放。迄今为止,全球共有279人通过该考试,并获得葡萄酒大师的殊荣。平均下来,每年通过考试的人数仅以个位数计算,其难易程度可想而知。现在,这个考试每年举办一次,分别于伦敦、悉尼和旧金山同时进行。目前,葡萄酒大师的官方认证授权机构是伦敦葡萄酒大师学会(IMW)。除个别例子外,一般要报考葡萄酒大师必须拥有英国葡萄酒及烈酒教育基金会WSET(Wine & Spirit Education Trust)第四级的资格证书,而报考WSET的要求是必须拥有WSET第三级证书。在国外,参加酒类行业考试的条件还包括必须年满18岁。WSET三级的考试花费约为600英镑,四级为3000英镑左右,葡萄酒大师的认证考试则为5300英镑左右。也就是说,要获得葡萄酒大师的称号,仅学费最少就要花费约9000英镑。如果算上平日品酒和出国考试的费用,考取葡萄酒大师至少需二、三十万元以上。
Master of Wine was the brainchild of Wine and Spirits Association and Worshipful Company of Vintners. The professional accreditation inaugurated in 1953, initially to British citizens only and was open to non-UK citizens since 1987. 279 people have passed the exams and been awarded Master of Wine title. On average, fewer than 10 people passed the exams every year, an indication of the difficulty of the exams. Today, the exams are held once a year, simultaneously in London, Sydney and San Francisco. The IMW awards the title. To apply, candidates have to possess the fourth-level certificate from West (Wine & Spirit Education Trust) and be over 19-year-old. Level-three certificate exams cost GBP300, level four about GBP3,000, and MW GBP5,300. In other worlds, it costs at least GBP9,000 to get the MW certificate, and that’s fees alone. If wine tasting and travel expenses are included, the costs easily amount to Rmb200,000, 300,000 and probably more.
Work Life Balance
Lee is now a consultant for the Singapore Airline and Macau Galaxy Resort, as well as a special contributor to various wine media outlets.
Lee said that work is relaxed and enjoyable, because she does what she is passionate about. She recommends wine to clients and tells them what will be the results of particular wine-food combination. Lee is overjoyed with their reaction.
She is a mother of four and the biggest challenge is work life balance. She flies around the world and she finds it best to go on holiday with kids to strike work-life balance, that’s why she doesn’t work for at least two months every year.
葡萄酒大师(Master of Wine)是由葡萄酒商人团体(Wine and Spirits Association)与名酒酒商工会(Worshipful Company of Vintners)协力策划,于1953年开始设立的一种专业资格考试。该考试最初只对国籍是英国的考生开放,1987年才开始对非英国公民开放。迄今为止,全球共有279人通过该考试,并获得葡萄酒大师的殊荣。平均下来,每年通过考试的人数仅以个位数计算,其难易程度可想而知。现在,这个考试每年举办一次,分别于伦敦、悉尼和旧金山同时进行。目前,葡萄酒大师的官方认证授权机构是伦敦葡萄酒大师学会(IMW)。除个别例子外,一般要报考葡萄酒大师必须拥有英国葡萄酒及烈酒教育基金会WSET(Wine & Spirit Education Trust)第四级的资格证书,而报考WSET的要求是必须拥有WSET第三级证书。在国外,参加酒类行业考试的条件还包括必须年满18岁。WSET三级的考试花费约为600英镑,四级为3000英镑左右,葡萄酒大师的认证考试则为5300英镑左右。也就是说,要获得葡萄酒大师的称号,仅学费最少就要花费约9000英镑。如果算上平日品酒和出国考试的费用,考取葡萄酒大师至少需二、三十万元以上。
Master of Wine was the brainchild of Wine and Spirits Association and Worshipful Company of Vintners. The professional accreditation inaugurated in 1953, initially to British citizens only and was open to non-UK citizens since 1987. 279 people have passed the exams and been awarded Master of Wine title. On average, fewer than 10 people passed the exams every year, an indication of the difficulty of the exams. Today, the exams are held once a year, simultaneously in London, Sydney and San Francisco. The IMW awards the title. To apply, candidates have to possess the fourth-level certificate from West (Wine & Spirit Education Trust) and be over 19-year-old. Level-three certificate exams cost GBP300, level four about GBP3,000, and MW GBP5,300. In other worlds, it costs at least GBP9,000 to get the MW certificate, and that’s fees alone. If wine tasting and travel expenses are included, the costs easily amount to Rmb200,000, 300,000 and probably more.