最近,越南南方解放武装力量第一次英雄模范大会胜利地召开了。阮友寿主席在开幕词中指出,达次会议是敢于斗争、敢于战胜美国侵略者的一千四百万南方人民无比英勇、不屈不挠精神的十分生动的缩影。 5月6日,大会向全体指战具发出号召书,号召他们坚决解放南方,保卫北方,统一祖国;号召他们踊跃参加“决战决胜打败美国强盗”的竞赛运动,大力发展猛烈的、遍及各地的游击战争,狠狠地打、准准地打、连续地打,决心更多地消灭敌人的有生力量。
Recently, the first heroic model convention of the Former South Vietnamese Liberation Army was held successfully. In his opening remarks, Chairman Nguyen Nguyen pointed out that the TAR meeting was a very vivid microcosm of courage and indomitable spirit of the 14 million people in the South who dare to fight and dare to defeat the U.S. aggressors. On May 6, the General Assembly sent a call for summon to all the tactics to urge them to resolutely liberate the south, defend the north and reunify the motherland. They were called upon to participate actively in the contest that “decides to defeat the American bandit in the decisive victory and victory” and vigorously develops fierce and widespread Guerrilla warfare, fiercely fighting, punctuality and fighting in succession are determined to eliminate more of the enemy’s viable forces.