Has the emergence of English as a Lingua Franca been an entirely beneficial phenomenon for both nati

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  Recently, the emergence of English as a lingua franca generates a controversial issue which has been fiercely discussed whether it is a wholly beneficial phenomenon for both native and non-native English speakers.Based on the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, English was widely transmitted all over the world due to the British colonization in the early 19th century.With advanced industry and frequent multilateral trade, Britain further impelled the spread of English.Besides, the USA, owning largest population and fastest growing economy, strongly popularized English.Meanwhile, media, transportation and technology were booming at that period, bringing more and more international intercourse in various areas, such as academy, commerce and politics, and causing the urgent need for a global language.On this condition, English, as a lingua franca, could be a considerable solution.Since it might have some demerits, which goes against the “entirely useful argument”, it is better to assume that its emergence is generally beneficial for the both native speakers and non-native English speakers.In order to demonstrate this, this essay will firstly show the accusation made against its merits regarding the danger to other languages and the drawbacks of non-native speakers, secondly opposes the counterargument by stating the assets of teaching English as an international language.Finally, it will briefly present its dominance and the democracy of English.
  Critics point out global language is the cause for people’s low initiative, no interest and even no opportunity to learn other languages, which can even be a threat to their existence.They suppose that if merely a single language is uppermost, the others would be inferior and invisibly killed, decreasing linguistic diversity, widely impacting their culture and international standings.Furthermore, for people whose mother tongue are not English, they are forced to learn it as an official or foreign language, and are at disadvantage compared with those whose first language is English.Scientists, who are from non-spoken English countries and publish their research in other languages, would have little chance to draw international attention, which is a good example of the influence of English on academic results.Thus, in order to be competitive with their peers, additional language learning tasks are exerted on them and they feel obliged to spend much time on translatating their thoughts and essays into English, distracting their energy and focus from creative work, somehow putting them under big pressure.   However, educationalists oppose the arisen problems could be lessened by primary education -- teaching English as an International Language, namely, teaching this cosmopolitan language at the very first stage of full time education is of great significance to ease the distinction of native speakers and non-native speakers.English speakers from Denmark, Sweden and Netherlands are persuasive demonstrations to prove TEIL is a feasible approach.Besides, if the earlier the children are put into a bilingual environment, the better their competence would be developed.
  Moreover, English, referred to pidgin, has expanded overwhelmingly around the world, meeting people’s interaction and communication needs in various spheres.Due to development in media and international organizations, the spread of English seems continuously irresistible and people are unconsciously involved in a global-connected community by its all-round propagation.The universal network and unprecedented fame that BBC and British Council have established are the right illustration to support English, as a medium, delivers massive information,including British values, accelerates mutual understanding for different regions and nations, breaks the communication barrier for both native and non-native speakers.In addition, government enormously affects the area that lingua franca could adapt to.Taking the 20th century, especially 1950s for instance, the number of multinational organizations, such as United Nations, World Bank,UNESCO, was soaring as well as their members,which challenged the translation and interpretation budget and contributed to the dependence on translators when they attend a conference.Under this circumstance, the tendency and impending desire of a common language is required and English, the most widely spoken language, has definite dual predominance to be practical to reduce the budget and also alleviate the communication difficulties.
  English, with the largest and most expressive vocabulary, is also a borrowing language.It displays that English absorbs words of other languages, enlarging its own vocabulary, diversifying its own language, indicating its receptiveness and democracy, which the other way around, is forcefully against the opposition of the spread of English.
  In conclusion, it’s clear the emergence of English as a lingua franca do bring benefits to both native and non-native speakers to a great extent.Although it could bring risks of making other languages die away and put non-native speakers at disadvantage, this essay has demonstrated teaching English as an international language is a considerable way to improve this situation.General, it indeed brings benefits to the mainstream in media, academic, diplomatic areas and will have a broader impact in the future with its unstopping spread.
  [1]Pennycook,A.(1998) Our marvellous tongue.Reprint, London:Routledge.
  [2]Crystal,D.(2003) English as a world language.Cambridge:CUP.
  [3]McArthur,D.(2001)World English and world Englishes: Trends,tensions.
  [4]viaties,and standards.The United Kingdom:Cambridge University Press.
【摘要】在小学阶段,英语语法教学是非常关键的,英语教师语法教学的能力和方法对小学生初期的英语学习有着直接的影响。为此,笔者论述了小学英语语法教学的有效方法,以供大家参考和借鉴。  【关键词】语法教学 情景教学 小学英语  在英语学习中,语法是比较重要的一个部分,学好英语的前提就是掌握语法的使用方法和语法规范。只有掌握了语法,英语的学习才能够更加顺利,由此可见英语语法的重要性。但是语法学习不是英语学
【摘要】英语阅读是英语教学中的一大难点和重点,学生想要学好英语阅读就要具备较高的综合英语素质,那么教师应该如何快速促进学生英语水平的提升呢?笔者将从“当代学生在英语阅读中遇到的困境”“优化提问方式,激发阅读兴趣”“趣味性的作业布置,强化阅读”等方面入手,就如何引导学生走出阅读困境提升自身英语水平做出浅显的研究和探讨。  【关键词】英语阅读 困境 自主教学 兴趣 强化阅读  新课程改革强调在英语教育
【摘要】单词是学生学习英语的基础,但相当一部分学生对记忆单词有畏难情绪,这就导致他们记忆单词的效率不高,单词记忆不牢固,进而致使其学习英语举步维艰。鉴于此,教师在教学过程中,应教给学生记忆单词的方法。  【关键词】初中生 词汇记忆  词汇是学习一门语言的基础,在英语这门科目的学习中发挥着不可替代的作用。但是,多数学生对记忆单词常有懈怠情绪,致使英语单词成为学生自身学习英语的障碍。本文拟简要探索英语
【摘要】评价是英语课程的重要组成部分。小学英语教学评价的主要目的是激励学生学习的兴趣和积极性。通过评价,使学生在英语课程的学习中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,树立自信,并获得综合语言运用能力的提高。本文结合笔者的实践,运用多元智能理论,从评价主体的多元化、评价内容的多样化等方面论述。  【关键词】英语教学 评价 多元化 多样化  教学评价是指按照一定的教学目标,运用科学可行的评价方法,对教学过程和
【摘要】本文以《浮生六记》两译本中的典故翻译为例,通过对具体译例的对比分析和数据总结,探讨译者处理典故时翻译方法和策略的选择与得失, 接着从文化翻译的角度分析译者采取不同翻译方法和策略的原因。通过研究表明,文化大环境会对译者的翻译方法和翻译策略产生影响,在多元文化并存的今天,译者应恰当地处理典故的翻译问题,以达到文化传播交流的目的。  【关键词】文化转向 《浮生六记》 典故翻译 译例分析  引言 
【摘要】本研究依据清华在线网络平台组织实施线与上线下相结合的课程改革,旨在混合课改中总结归纳并提炼如何构建科学的形成性评估体系,创建和谐的教学生态,通过新型评价来促进高职学生的英语自主学习,为随后全面铺开的英语课程改革提供借鉴。  【关键词】混合课改 形成性评价 自主学习  一、问题的提出  “互联网 ”时代的大学教学目前面临多重危机和挑战,教学生态系统正在被重塑和开放,尤其体现在教育资源的重新配
【摘要】与传统英语教学不同,商务英语教学不仅强调学生的语言应用能力的培养,也重视对商务知识的学习。图式理论对于英语学习和教学具有普遍的指导意义,就商务英语阅读而言,在教学过程中只运用传统的教学方法,无法达成培养优秀应用型人才的教学目的。因此,图式理论视域下的教学方法和阅读模式,值得商务英语教学者认真总结和研究。  【关键词】商务英语 英语阅读 教学方法 图式理论  一、引言  英语是国际应用最广泛
【摘要】未来信息化战场上双方的较量将更加突出地表现为高素质士官人才的较量。要赢得世界新军事变革中的优势地位,至关重要的是加强士官科学文化素质培养。士官英语课程教学的改革创新正是以提高士官人才的全面素质为目的。  【关键词】信息化 英语教学 创新 研究  引言  培养高素质新型士官军事人才,是加速我军现代化建设的一项重点工程。习主席十八大报告明确提出加紧培养大批高素质新型军事人才的战略要求,作为未来
【摘要】随着历史的变迁,文字的演变,人们语言中隐喻的理解与使用也经历了不同的变化。西方隐喻研究近30年来有了很多新发展,本文从隐喻思维创新这个角度讨论生活常用语的演变。  【关键词】隐喻 本体 喻体 思维创新  语言,人类进化过程中思维与交流的产物。在漫长的词汇发展中,随着人类思维的日渐丰富,语言也逐渐丰富起来,并有了隐喻色彩。隐喻是语言史上使用范围最广泛的修辞方式之一。“隐喻无所不在,在我们的语
【摘要】在大学英语学习过程中,阅读是帮助学生理解和吸收书面信息的重要手段,良好的阅读能力有利于词汇量的扩大,语言知识的丰富和语言运用能力的提高。因此教师需要采取有效的教学措施培养学生的阅读能力。本文主要论述了高校英语阅读策略的有效应用,从而提高大学英语阅读教学的质量。  【关键词】高校英语教学 阅读策略 有效应用  在大学英语学习过程中,阅读是帮助学生理解和吸收书面信息的重要手段,良好的阅读能力有