对昆明、永平 2个云南松种源试验林和石屏、建水 3个 3~ 4年生云南松自由授粉子代试验林进行遗传分析及综合选择 ,结果表明 :云南松高、径生长 ,木纹理通直度 ,木材密度和松脂含量在家系间、单株间差异显著 ,其中树高遗传力估值为 :0 2 8~ 0 5 75 ,地径遗传力估值为 :0 16~ 0 6 6 6 ,材积遗传力估值为 :0 5 2~0 6 7,木纹理通直度的遗传性被高度控制 ,估值达 0 85 ;木材密度次之 ,估值为 :0 5 2~ 0 83;松脂含量的遗传力估值为 :0 4 5 3~ 0 73。借助于约束或非约束选择条件能有效地进行生长、形质和材性兼优家系、单株的选择 ,综合评选出牛达 39号、龙朋 5号、双柏鄂嘉 17号等 32个优良家系。入选的优良家系高生长实际增益30 6 3% ,遗传增益 16 85 % ,说明依据主要性状联合评选出的家系其优良性能是极其显著的。试验还在 2个种源试验林内共同选出广西乐业、贵州兴义、云南双柏、云龙、富宁、开远 6个优良种源、 2 7个优良单株 ,为进一步开展优良家系、单株的选择 ,提供了物质基础。这批家系和单株适宜在单试点、双试点或多试点上推广应用。
The genetic analysis and comprehensive selection of two Yunnan pine provenance test forests and three Pingnan 4-year-old yunnan pine pollination progeny test forests in Kunming and Yongping were carried out. The results showed that: Wood texture straightness, wood density and turpentine content in the family between the significant differences between the single plant, which hedge heritability valuation: 0 2 8 ~ 0 5 75, the genetic evaluation of land diameter is: 0 16 ~ 0 The heritability of herbage was estimated to be 0.52-0.67. The heredity of straightness of wood texture was highly controlled, with an estimated value of 0 85. The density of wood was second, with an estimated value of 0 5 2 ~ 0 83; The heritability of turpentine content is 0 453 ~ 0 73. With the help of constrained or non-constrained selection conditions, the growth, quality and material selection of both superior families and single plants can be effectively carried out, and 32 such as Niuda 39, Long Peng 5 and Shuangbai Ojia 17 were selected Excellent family. The actual growth of high-quality elite families was 30 6 3% and the genetic gain was 16 85%, which showed that the excellent performance of elite families selected from the major characters was extremely significant. In addition, six provenances, 27 elite provenances of Guangxi Leye, Xingyi of Guizhou, Shuangbo of Yunnan, Yunlong, Funing and Kaiyuan were selected together in two provenance test forests. In order to further develop excellent families, The choice of plant provides the material basis. These families and individuals suitable for single pilot, double pilot or more pilot application.