人类真的如沧海一粟般渺小,我们对自身都无从完全了解,更何况那宇宙万物。由弗洛伊德“潜意识理论”诱发的超现实主义,其伟大意义在我来讲,除去那哗众取宠、稀奇古怪的形式之外,是它把关注的目光从万物投向了我们的内心,甚至是那不被我们清楚的潜意识当中。有很多人误解超现实主义所表现的东西是虚幻的,其实真真假假如 “庄周梦蝶”,到底是庄子梦蝶了,还是他在蝶之梦中?答案千年来还飘于风中。
Surrealism was a philosophical, poetic, and then visual movement that grew up at the beginning of the 1920s in Paris, and continued 3)Dada’s assault on 4)rationalism, and reason. But, in a way, it was more systematic. What the Surrealists were interested in was exploring the workings of the unconscious mind, which, of course, came from the Austrian5)psychoanalyst, 6)Sigmund Freud.
And they discovered two essential routes into the workings of the unconscious. The first is exemplified in this work by Catalan painter, Joan Miro. And that is a thing called 7)automatism. Now, Miro doesn’t go completely crazy. He doesn’t loose total control. But Automatism starts with the idea that 8)doodling, a loss of awareness, and a loss of control, both in writing and then drawing, somehow is tuning into the unconscious. And Miro used to do doodles and drawings, which he’d then feed into his large paintings.
Once he’s established that “automatic,” random background he then starts to overlay it with a much more calculated series of signs or symbols that we’d call 9)biomorphic. And we can start to read things, perhaps a human figure, or a leg, or a head, or a spider, or an insect, or a shooting-star. And then this thing, here, that some see as a balloon on a string, but others see as a 10)spermatozoa. And, in fact, the work seems to me, at least, to make most sense when you see it as some kind of creation myth. And, in fact, Miro called it The Birth of the World. It’s a painting, in a way, about becoming.
Now this automatist route is the first way that the Surrealists try to get into the unconscious. The second was much more controlled at every level, and probably its greatest 11)exponent was Salvador Dali.
It never ceases to amaze me, when I see this image — it has been endlessly reproduced in posters that are often bigger than the image itself — how small it is. This is Salvador Dali’s Persistence of Memory. And what we have here is a painted dreamscape. Where, with these 12)limp watches or clocks, hanging in a landscape that seems to be of another 13)realm. The notion that time, somehow, has lost its power, lost its 14)potency, become limp or 15)flaccid, is clear.
Dali gives a little realistic touch, not just in the 16)voyeuristic way that he paints, but the landscape in the background is clearly that of the coastline near Figueras, his hometown, where he grew up, and where he lived, in Catalonia. Here in the foreground is this odd 17)morphic, or biomorphic creature, which with its long eyelashes and its profile seems to read as Dali, himself, with a tongue, or a snail, or something more 18)phallic, seemingly 19)dribbling out of his nose. And with these ants crawling over, not the cheese-like watches, that Dali himself described as the “20)camembert of time,” but on a hard, metal clock. And ants, for Dali, were a kind of 21)phobia from childhood, symbol of a nightmare. And he talked about a 22)paranoiac critical method where he produced images that actually you could read or see in a number of ways. They were images within images. And he once famously said that the only difference between himself and a madman, was that he wasn’t mad.
Surrealism was a philosophical, poetic, and then visual movement that grew up at the beginning of the 1920s in Paris, and continued 3)Dada’s assault on 4)rationalism, and reason. But, in a way, it was more systematic. What the Surrealists were interested in was exploring the workings of the unconscious mind, which, of course, came from the Austrian5)psychoanalyst, 6)Sigmund Freud.
And they discovered two essential routes into the workings of the unconscious. The first is exemplified in this work by Catalan painter, Joan Miro. And that is a thing called 7)automatism. Now, Miro doesn’t go completely crazy. He doesn’t loose total control. But Automatism starts with the idea that 8)doodling, a loss of awareness, and a loss of control, both in writing and then drawing, somehow is tuning into the unconscious. And Miro used to do doodles and drawings, which he’d then feed into his large paintings.
Once he’s established that “automatic,” random background he then starts to overlay it with a much more calculated series of signs or symbols that we’d call 9)biomorphic. And we can start to read things, perhaps a human figure, or a leg, or a head, or a spider, or an insect, or a shooting-star. And then this thing, here, that some see as a balloon on a string, but others see as a 10)spermatozoa. And, in fact, the work seems to me, at least, to make most sense when you see it as some kind of creation myth. And, in fact, Miro called it The Birth of the World. It’s a painting, in a way, about becoming.
Now this automatist route is the first way that the Surrealists try to get into the unconscious. The second was much more controlled at every level, and probably its greatest 11)exponent was Salvador Dali.
It never ceases to amaze me, when I see this image — it has been endlessly reproduced in posters that are often bigger than the image itself — how small it is. This is Salvador Dali’s Persistence of Memory. And what we have here is a painted dreamscape. Where, with these 12)limp watches or clocks, hanging in a landscape that seems to be of another 13)realm. The notion that time, somehow, has lost its power, lost its 14)potency, become limp or 15)flaccid, is clear.
Dali gives a little realistic touch, not just in the 16)voyeuristic way that he paints, but the landscape in the background is clearly that of the coastline near Figueras, his hometown, where he grew up, and where he lived, in Catalonia. Here in the foreground is this odd 17)morphic, or biomorphic creature, which with its long eyelashes and its profile seems to read as Dali, himself, with a tongue, or a snail, or something more 18)phallic, seemingly 19)dribbling out of his nose. And with these ants crawling over, not the cheese-like watches, that Dali himself described as the “20)camembert of time,” but on a hard, metal clock. And ants, for Dali, were a kind of 21)phobia from childhood, symbol of a nightmare. And he talked about a 22)paranoiac critical method where he produced images that actually you could read or see in a number of ways. They were images within images. And he once famously said that the only difference between himself and a madman, was that he wasn’t mad.