目的 了解导致新生儿化脓性胃炎的病原学种类与发病因素 ,探索早期确诊与有效治疗措施。方法 对临床表现反应差、拒乳、呕吐、腹胀等疑似有胃部感染的新生儿 ,以无菌操作程序 ,抽取胃液作细菌培养鉴定。结果 检出病原菌达 14种 ,主要为肠道菌与假单胞菌 ,其次为革兰氏阳性球菌。结论 对收治的新生儿患者 ,如有临床疑似病例 ,应尽早采集胃液标本作病原学诊断 ,以利早期采取有效治疗措施。提高治愈率而缩短病程。
Objective To understand the etiology and pathogenesis of neonatal suppurative gastritis and explore early diagnosis and effective treatment. Methods Neonates with poor stomach response, refused to milk, vomiting, abdominal distension and other suspected gastric infections were enrolled in this study. Aseptic procedures were used to identify gastric juice for bacterial culture. Results There were 14 pathogens detected, mainly intestinal bacteria and Pseudomonas, followed by Gram-positive cocci. Conclusion For patients with newly diagnosed infants, if there are clinical suspected cases, gastric juice specimens should be collected as early as possible for etiological diagnosis to facilitate early treatment. Improve the cure rate and shorten the course.