古老的“美食王国” 永恒的朝阳产业——第8届国际食品加工及包装机械展览会散记

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亲爱的读者,您知道哪一个产业是我国的第一大产业吗?2001年在我国实现两位数增长的十三大类产品中哪个行业的种类最多呢?据政府部门提供的答案是:我国食品工业是中国第一大产业,2002年食品工业GDP已达到9600多亿元。同年我国实现两位数增长的13个产品类别中,食品及饮料产品就占有8个。而且仅农产品加工业从业人员就占国内全部工业从业人员的27.8%。食品工业在人类生活中占有特别重要的地位,历史证明,食品工业的发展带动了食品加工机械的发展,食品加工机械的发展又保证和促进了食品工业的发展。然而,我国食品加工机械行业的进展却并不乐观。由于国内食品工业大部分企业规模小、装备落后、基础薄弱、国产设备技术含量低、所生产的机械零部件材质 Dear readers, you know which industry is the largest industry in our country? Which category of the 13 major categories of products that achieved double-digit growth in China in 2001 is the most? According to the government department, the answer is: China Food industry is China’s largest industry, in 2002 the food industry GDP has reached more than 960 billion yuan. In the same year, China achieved double-digit growth of 13 categories of products, food and beverage products accounted for 8. And only agricultural products processing industry accounted for 27.8% of all domestic industrial employees. Food industry occupies a particularly important position in human life. History shows that the development of the food industry has led to the development of food processing machinery. The development of food processing machinery has also ensured and promoted the development of the food industry. However, the progress of China’s food processing machinery industry is not optimistic. As most of the domestic food industry, small-scale enterprises, equipment behind, weak foundation, low-tech domestic equipment, the production of mechanical parts and components
蛋白精氨酸甲基化转移酶1(Protein Arginine Methlytransferase 1,PRMT1)是蛋白精氨酸甲基转移酶家族的主要成员。PRMT1有多种组氨酸和非组氨酸底物,它通过甲基化这些底物调