一、从地理学发展看地理学的重要性 地理学是关于地理环境的科学,即关于自然环境、社会环境的空间分布(布局)及其相互关系和地域分异规律的科学。人类生存于其周围的地理环境之中,人类的一切活动,几乎无时无刻都同地理环境打交道,力求适应地理环境,并受地理环境所制约。为了认识环境,了解环境,人类早就重视对自然环境(人本身也是自然
I. The importance of geography from the perspective of geography development Geography is the science of geographical environment, that is, the science of the spatial distribution (layout) of the natural environment and the social environment, their mutual relations, and the law of geographical differentiation. Human beings live in the surrounding geographical environment. All human activities are in contact with the geographical environment almost all the time, trying to adapt to the geographical environment, and subject to the geographical environment. In order to understand the environment and understand the environment, humans have long attached importance to the natural environment (people themselves are also natural