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在重新学习党的教育方針的吋候,我越来越认識到在教学中貫彻讲练結合原則的必要性和重要性。这是因为:(1)讲练結合能使学生及时巩固所学到的知識,及时把知識轉化为技能,改变“只知不会”(上課能听懂,课后不会做)的状况,从而減輕課外作业負担,提高学习质量,有利于学生在德育、智育、体育三个方面得到全面发展。(2)讲练结合能使练的机会增多,要使学习达到深化,必须有练。多练是学生把知識学到手的必經途径,也是提高学习质量的主要途径。所以贯彻誹絲結合原則不仅关系到教学质量的提高,而且也关系到党的教育方針的全面貫彻,很值得我們重視。下面足我在贯彻讲练結合方面的一些初步体会。 In the re-learning of the Party’s education policy, I increasingly realized the necessity and importance of implementing the principles of combining teaching and practicing in teaching. This is because: (1) The combination of lectures and exercises enables students to consolidate what they have learned in a timely manner, transforming knowledge into skills in a timely manner, and changing the situation of “knowing not only” (the class can understand and will not do after class). This will reduce the burden of extra-curricular activities and improve the quality of learning. It will help students develop in all aspects of moral education, intellectual education and sports. (2) The combination of lectures and exercises will increase opportunities for practice. To deepen learning, there must be practice. More practice is the only way for students to learn knowledge, and it is also the main way to improve the quality of learning. Therefore, implementing the principle of silk reeling not only concerns the improvement of teaching quality, but also concerns the full implementation of the party’s education policy, which is worth our attention. The following is enough for me to carry out some preliminary understanding of the combination of practice and practice.
(一)教学的一般过程 1.一堂课是“分式除法”。(课本:初中代数第二册,第110页6.9) 教师首先从启发式的提问引出新课:“关于分式的运算,我们已经学过了分式的加减法、分式的
论点就是作者对论述的问题所表明的看法或提出的主张。任何一篇文章总要围绕一个中心展开论述,这就要求有明确的中心论点。 Argument is the author’s stated opinion or pr