
来源 :数学通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xieyuchun
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1983年的数学高考试题着重考查了学生的基础知识、基本技能及灵活运用的能力。解题思路不偏不怪,但要求对基本概念有较深入的理解,要求能正确迅速地进行运算,要求能切实掌握各种常用的数学方法。整份试卷起点较高,其中代数占34分,主要考查了幂函数、行列式、排列组合、复数、数列等内容。微积分内容占了20分,考了极限、求微分、导数的应用。二者皆可的占6分,总计60分。几何内容共35分,其中立体几何17分,解析几何18分。三角内容散布在各题中,共计25分。内容分布情况表明,考查的侧重点是在高二、高三所学内容。问题的综合性增强,与高等数学的关联程度提高。由于得分高低基本上反映了各类考生的实际水平,因此根据答卷情况对数学教学现状进行分析,并从中找出进一步提高教学质量线索,实是很有必要的。 The 1983 mathematics exam focused on students’ basic knowledge, basic skills, and the ability to use them flexibly. The problem-solving idea is unbiased, but it requires a more in-depth understanding of the basic concepts, requires the ability to perform calculations correctly and quickly, and requires the ability to effectively grasp a variety of commonly used mathematical methods. The starting point of the entire examination paper is relatively high, among which the algebraic number accounted for 34 points, mainly examining the power function, determinant, permutation and combination, plural number, and series. The calculus content accounted for 20 points, the application of the limit, differentiation, and derivative. Both score 6 points and total 60 points. A total of 35 points of geometric content, including 17 points of solid geometry, analytical geometry of 18 points. The triangle content is spread across the questions and totals 25 points. The distribution of the content shows that the focus of the examination is on the content of high school and high school. The comprehensiveness of the problem has increased and the degree of correlation with higher mathematics has increased. Since the scores basically reflect the actual level of various candidates, it is necessary to analyze the status quo of mathematics teaching according to the answer sheet and find out the clues to further improve the teaching quality.
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