A Review of Research on Learner Empowerment in EFL

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  【Abstract】This paper reviews studies on learner empowerment at home and abroad. Through the analysis of related literature, it is found that few studies examined learner empowerment from a quantitative or mixed-method strand.
  【Key words】learner empowerment; EFL; research trend

1. Introduction

  The definition of learner empowerment undergoes a shift from stressing individual’s power to emphasizing power-sharing with the community. Early attempts to define learner empowerment mainly stem from three conceptions of power: power-over, power-with and power-to, which derive from Ashcroft’s (1987, p. 145) definition “a state of belief in one’s ability/capability to act with effect”. Later, Frymier, Shulman and Houser (1996, p. 184) placed the concept in an intrinsic motivation paradigm and described it as “a state phenomenon in which students feel competent, find the required course tasks meaningful, and believe that they have an impact on the learning process”. More recently, Sullivan (2001, p. 16) proposed in her doctoral paper that empowerment is an environment in which individual students are supported by the classroom community to “take responsibility for their lives in trying to meet their needs within learning settings”.

2. Previous Studies on Learner Empowerment

  As a complex educational philosophy and process, large shares of studies have been conducted to identify potential factors promoting empowerment. Luechauer and Shulman (1992) conducted an early qualitative attempt to explore potential factors influencing learner empowerment, interviewing junior and senior college students about their learning experience and managed to summarize several key variables. The most notable quantitative research into empowerment is the serial studies carried out by Frymier, Shulman and Houser (1996) which examined undergraduate students’ empowerment using a multidimensional instrument of the Learner Empowerment Scale (LES) consisting three categories: meaningfulness, competence, and impact. Most recently, in the light of the exponential growth in technology-supported education, Ledbetter and Finn (2013) dedicated themselves to exploring the association between instructors’ technology use policies and learner empowerment.
  In China, the majority of researches into educational empowerment were conducted to investigate the role of teacher empowerment in the national curriculum reform. Xin and Wu (2007) analysed the impact of empowerment on English teacher development at the college level, arguing that encouraging policies to involve teachers into the curriculum planning and decision-making process promote teacher empowerment. Wang (2011) conducted a mixed-method research among college students, revealing that empowered students participate in more activities and have positive attitudes toward the course content and the instructor. Shen (2012), on the other hand, probed the learner empowerment in part-time adult education and proposed learning strategies to promote adult students’ empowerment.

3. Problems and Drawbacks for Previous Studies

  Though there has been a growing number of researches on learner empowerment, few has examined it from a quantitative strand, which can hardly satisfy localization of learner empowerment in Chinese EFL higher education.

4. Conclusion

  As a significant indicator of active learning, the development of learner empowerment in EFL context has to date been scarce. Future researches are needed to examine different dimensions of learning empowerment, along with potential learning barriers among Chinese senior English majors in technology-supported education.


  [1]Ashcroft, L.. Defusing“empowering”: The what and the why[J]. Language Arts,1987,64(2):142-156.
  [2]Frymier, A. B., Shulman, G. M.,
【摘要】信息化时代背景下,慕课逐渐在教学领域中得到了推广应用,这是一种依托于互联网技术的开放式网络课程,是对传统教学模式的革新,充分运用了丰富的网络学习资源,创设了广阔的学习平台,对于教学质量的提高有着重要的意义。在高校英语教学改革过程中,也要注重慕课的合理运用,应该精心选择英语视频,转变授课方式,还要注重提升自身的教学能力。本文主要针对慕课背景下高校英语教学改革的途径进行了探究,以供参考。  【
【摘要】小学英语的教育需要教师合理调整自己的教学策略,重视学生的教学环境。使用一些英语游戏和多媒体教学让学生对英语学习产生兴趣并且加深理解,除此之外为课堂拓展课外的知识也是必不可少。教学课堂确实是值得重视的,教师对课堂的课后反思也同样需要重视,只有教师不断反思后改进策略才能让英语课堂洋溢它的精彩。  【关键词】教学方法;学习环境;多媒体教学  【作者简介】徐梅,大丰港实验学校。   小学英语在我国
【摘要】在小学英语课程教学过程当中,教师应当注重对于学生独立思考能力的锻炼,给予小学生更多深入思考探究机会,逐渐另其养成良好的学习习惯跟较高的英语素养,提升课堂教学效率。  【关键词】让学引思;小学;英语;课堂  【作者简介】王孟媛,江苏省泰州市凤凰小学。  随着新课改的不断推进,在现如今的小学英语教学过程当中,教师应当更加重视对于学生独立思考能力的提升,从小就培养学生们基于所学知识进一步探究与思
【摘要】从三个指标构建学生自主学习能力框架,通过实践得出结果:教师在课堂对于学生的学习策略指导不全面;学习习惯在课堂上的表征不明显;学生收集、共享资源的能力在课堂较少体现;教师能够引导学生评价,但是甚少让学生参与标准的制定。针对上述结果,本文分析了问题原因并给出相应的对策。  【关键词】自主学习能力;观察量表;问题;对策  【作者简介】徐菁,女,南京财经高等职业技术学校,高级讲师,硕士,研究方向:
【摘要】英语教学中,传统模式通常是教师讲解,学生被动地接受,这无法满足当前的英语教育需求。新时期,互动教学的产生,它不仅可以调动学生在课堂上的学习主动性,还能使学生的探究意识以及自主学习能力得到有效增强,并通过师生互动的加强,促使增进师生间的情感。基于此,本文主要对笔者假期在新东方的英语教学实践中运用互动教学法的策略进行探究。  【关键词】英语教学;互动教学法;教学实践;策略  【作者简介】赵画,
【摘要】在中职学校英语教学过程中,教师应将自身教育观念进行转变,对学生核心素养进行培养,使学生掌握更多的英语知识和技能,将其思想品德提高,培养出符合社会要求的复合型英语人才。本文笔者将以培养学生核心素养为基础,提出中职英语教学的方法,分析中职英语教学中口语教学存在的问题,根据这些问题提出英语口语教学的方法。  【关键词】中职学校;英语教学;核心素养;教学效果  【作者简介】刘敏,河南省新乡市长垣职