与意大利一样.西班牙是当今公认的世界制鞋王国。经过近20年的发展.在其首都马德里举办的国际鞋类及皮革制品贸易展.同样和它本国的制鞋业一样出名,并具诱惑力。3月25日闭幕的.为期三天的第1 8届西班牙马德里国际鞋类及皮革制品贸易展.共有744家鞋类及皮革制品展商参加。该展会的规模和档次逐年上升.目前已经跻身欧洲三大鞋类专业展览之中。主办方是当地著名的 IFEMA 专业展览公司。同以往一样.本次展会还是在西班牙首都马德里的 Feria de Madrid 展观馆举办。展会共设了6个展区,展览面积超过36.000平方米。作为制鞋王国的西班牙.在本次展览会上有574家公司参展.占据了大部分场地。其他170个国外展商主要来自葡萄牙.意大利、法国、德国、比利时、丹麦、中国等.展会上的展品主要是鞋类和其他皮革制品.鞋类和皮包手袋占据绝对数量.各个商家在展会亮
Like Italy, Spain is today recognized as the world shoe-making kingdom. After nearly 20 years of development, the International Exhibition of Footwear and Leather Products held in its capital, Madrid, is equally famous and attractive as the footwear industry in its home country. Closing on March 25, the three-day trade fair for the 18th International Conference on Footwear and Leather Products in Madrid, Spain, attended by 744 exhibitors of footwear and leather products. The scale and grade of the show has been rising year by year, and now it has become one of the top three footwear professional exhibitions in Europe. The organizer is the famous IFEMA professional exhibition company. As usual, the show was held at the Feria de Madrid exhibition center in the Spanish capital Madrid. A total of six exhibition booths, the exhibition area of more than 36.000 square meters. Spain, the Kingdom of Footwear, has 574 exhibitors at this exhibition, occupying most of the venues. The other 170 foreign exhibitors mainly come from Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, China, etc. The exhibits at the fair are mainly footwear and other leather products, while the absolute number of footwear and handbags are in the show.