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信息技术是一门新兴的学科,由于其不是中考的必考科目,导致许多教师在教学的过程当中采用灌输式的教学方式,只重教导学生而缺乏与学生的交流,致使学生难以提升自己的信息素养。随着经济的发展,现代社会信息技术在生活中起到的作用越来越大,并且逐渐渗透到生活中的方方面面,但是毫无疑问这些发达而深奥的技术都是由许许多多微小而简单的信息技术演化而来。对于初中生来说,对学科的了解程度和运用能力还尚待提升,信息技术需要的是高素质的应用型人才,而非只会理论的“书呆子”。如何让初中学生们喜欢信息技术,主动投身于信息技术这门课程的探索与研究之中,离不开教师的正确引导。无论是哪门课程,课堂中的提问对于提高学生学习兴趣都起到了抛砖引玉的作用,以下将简洁说明初中信息课堂目前的提问现状,再针对性的给出合理性建议,帮助学生们有效提升信息素养。 Information technology is an emerging subject. Because it is not a required subject for senior high school entrance examinations, many teachers use instilled teaching methods in their teaching process. They only teach students and lack of communication with students, making it difficult for students to upgrade themselves. Information literacy. With economic development, modern social information technology has played an increasingly important role in life and gradually permeated every aspect of life. However, there is no doubt that these advanced and esoteric technologies are composed of many small and simple The evolution of information technology. For junior high school students, the degree of understanding of the subject and the ability to use still needs to be improved, information technology requires high-quality application-oriented talents, rather than just theoretical “nerd ”. How to make junior high school students like information technology, take the initiative to devote themselves to the exploration and research of information technology course, can not be separated from the correct guidance of teachers. No matter which course, questions in the classroom to improve students’ interest in learning have played a paragon of the role of the following will be a brief explanation of the current situation of junior high school information in the classroom, and then give reasonable advice to help students effectively improve the information Literacy.
小学阶段的首要任务是培养学生良好的学习习惯。认真听讲是学生学好知识、提高能力的基本保证,也是孩子搞好学校学习的先决条件。但是我在教学中发现,很多一年级的孩子由于年龄特点,在学习中往往不会听讲,因此,培养学生认真听讲的习惯是势在必行的。学生一旦养成了上课专心听讲的习惯,那么他们就是学会了学习。  一、从倾听老师的话语入手  习惯不是孩子与生俱来的,需要我们在日常的教学工作中一点一滴地加以耐心培养。首
据外电报道,现在在美国发生一场钢铝大战,双方为争夺汽车工业的消费市场大搞宣传战。 1999年汽车工业使用铝的数量已经达到创记录的水平,预计今后每年将以6%~8%的速度增长。但
以中国地质大学(武汉)的“普通地质学”和美国University of TexasatArlington的“Earth Systems”这两门地质学的入门课程为研究对象,从提供知识、强化知识、固化知识和考察知