01Hat 帽子
I never thought that he was such a bad hat. (坏蛋,不老实、不道德的人)
We should keep our shirt on no matter what they would say. (保持冷静,不要冲动)
02Gloves 手套
The blouse fits me like a glove. (完全适合)
03Shirt 衬衣
04Coat 大衣
You must cut your coat according to your cloth and buy the cheap house that you can afford. (量入为出)
一般我们所称的田径赛,实际上分为田赛和径赛两种。field events 是田赛的意思。类别包括:broad jump(跳远)、high jump(跳高)、shot put(掷铅球)等项目。
track events 是径赛的意思。根据不同的距离和比赛方式,径赛又有long-distance race(长跑)、 relay race (接力)、sprint(短距离跑)等区别。同学们看完介绍后,请用英文在图片下的括号里分别填上它们所属的运动项目。
01Hat 帽子
I never thought that he was such a bad hat. (坏蛋,不老实、不道德的人)
We should keep our shirt on no matter what they would say. (保持冷静,不要冲动)
02Gloves 手套
The blouse fits me like a glove. (完全适合)
03Shirt 衬衣
04Coat 大衣
You must cut your coat according to your cloth and buy the cheap house that you can afford. (量入为出)
一般我们所称的田径赛,实际上分为田赛和径赛两种。field events 是田赛的意思。类别包括:broad jump(跳远)、high jump(跳高)、shot put(掷铅球)等项目。
track events 是径赛的意思。根据不同的距离和比赛方式,径赛又有long-distance race(长跑)、 relay race (接力)、sprint(短距离跑)等区别。同学们看完介绍后,请用英文在图片下的括号里分别填上它们所属的运动项目。