股票期权虽然是美国企业普遍采用的激励经理人员的模式 ,但是在不同的行业和不同的组织中具有不同的特点。我国企业在推行股票期权激励过程中 ,应该注意到这只是激励经理人员的一种模式 ,注意到股票期权的采用是对经理人员薪酬结构的调整。特别要考虑到我国企业所面临的现实环境中还存在着许多不利于股票期权激励模式发挥效率的限制条件。否则 ,股票期权激励就难以产生预期的效果
Although the stock options are the common motivational managers used by American enterprises, they have different characteristics in different industries and different organizations. During the process of implementing the stock option incentives, Chinese enterprises should notice that this is only a mode of motivating managers. They noticed that the adoption of stock options is the adjustment of the salary structure of managers. In particular, we should consider that there are still many restrictions that are not conducive to the efficiency of the stock option incentive model in the real environment facing Chinese enterprises. Otherwise, the stock option incentive is difficult to produce the desired effect