1965年7月20日,新华社从北京播发了一条轰动整个世界的新闻: “前国民党政府代总统李宗仁先生和他的夫人郭德洁女士,从海外归来,今天上午乘专机抵达北京。” 李宗仁一行回国途中的经历曲折而惊险。30年来,不少中外报刊相继从不同角度予以报道和描述,但却大多语焉不详,甚或是捕风捉影的虚构,以至以讹传讹。 李宗仁回国一事是周恩来总理亲自安排的。这件事从开始酝酿到最后实现,前后几乎经历了10年的漫长时间。其间,日理万机的周恩来做了大量艰苦而细致的工作。整个过程都是在极其机密的条件下进行的。
On July 20, 1965, Xinhua News Agency broadcast a news release from Beijing that shocked the whole world: “Mr. Li Zongren, acting president of the Kuomintang Government and his wife Guo Dejie, returned from overseas and arrived in Beijing this morning by special plane.” Li Zongren and his entourage returned to China On the way experience twists and turns and thrilling. In the past 30 years, quite a number of Chinese and foreign newspapers and periodicals have been reported and described from different angles one after another. However, most of them have not made a thorough and detailed explanation or even falsified their stories to the contrary. Li Zongren’s return to China was personally arranged by Premier Zhou Enlai. This matter from the beginning brewing to the final realization, before and after almost 10 years of long time. In the meantime, Zhou Enlai has done a great deal of hard and meticulous work. The whole process is carried out under extremely confidential conditions.