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  Born in Earth
  Gold formed deep in Earth billions of years ago. Scientists believe that volcanoes may have heated underground water, which melted the gold. Liquid gold then flowed with the water into cracks[裂缝] between rocks. The shiny yellow metal cooled and hardened. In some places, the new veins[矿脉] of gold reached close to Earth’s surface.
  At the surface, the rushing water wore away[磨损] the rock below. Over time, a vein of gold showed through, revealing[使显露] the treasure. Tiny gold nuggets[矿块] broke loose and settled at the bottom of the stream. There they’d lie, waiting to be discovered. And discovered they were.
  About 5,000 years ago, people found bits of beautiful gold in Egypt. It didn’t take long for them to catch gold fever. Since then, gold has been discovered at different times all around the world. With each discovery, the fever increases. And each time the fever rises, the love of gold drives people to do almost anything. Let’s look at some golden moments in history.
  The Fever Spreads
  Egypt, 3,000 B.C. The pharaohs of Egypt surrounded themselves with gold. They ruled from golden thrones[宝座] and gilded[镀金] their chariots[战车] with gold. They wore gold crowns and jewelry. They even buried mummies in golden masks.
  The pharaohs’ hunger for gold grew and grew. Soon, small bits of easy-to-find gold were not enough. They dug mines to follow veins of gold, deeper and deeper into Earth.
  Gold mining was dangerous work. Miners used fires to crack the rocks. The heat was fierce[猛烈的].
  Poisonous fumes[(难闻的)烟, 气体] filled the air. The tunnels were so narrow that miners had to lie on their backs. Small rocks fell on them. Large rocks crushed[压碎] them. The pharaohs forced slaves to do this risky job. Often, the slaves were captured in war and brought from faraway places to work in the mines.
  Egypt traded its gold for valuable items from other countries. Precious wood came from Lebanon. Horses came from Babylonia注1. Jewelry and other golden objects traveled along the Silk Road. It was a series of trade routes stretching from Egypt all the way to China. Gold was the one thing everyone wanted. That’s how gold and gold fever spread.
  Gold Coins
  Turkey, 560 B.C. King Croesus注2 ruled ancient Lydia注3, which is now western Turkey. He played an important part in spreading gold fever. He came up with a new idea: to mint[铸造(硬币)] coins made of pure gold.
  The coins made buying and selling much easier. Gold was the perfect metal to use. It lasts a long time. It’s rare, so it’s worth a lot. And it’s soft, for a metal. People could mold[浇铸] gold into shapes. That’s just what Croesus did. He created coins that were the same size, weight, and value. The coins had a lion and a bull stamped on them.
  Persia attacked Lydia. Croesus lost his kingdom. But his golden money idea spread across the world, bringing gold fever with it.
  Gold in the Americas
  South America, 1500s In the 1500s, word of an ancient ceremony[仪式] spread across Europe. The story was told like this: The Muisca king glittered[闪烁] as brightly as the sun. Fine gold dust covered his body. He stood on a raft, piles of sparkling gold at his feet. At the center of the lake, he dropped the gold into the water. Then he dove[跳入水中] in to wash the gold off his body. This would make the Muisca’s god happy.
  Gold hunters asked: did the golden man have a golden city? The story grew. This city, they thought, had streets paved[铺] with gold. They called it El Dorado注4. Gold fever had struck again.
  As a result, Spanish explorers raced to South America. They searched for El Dorado. No luck. But it wasn’t all bad news – at least for the explorers. They discovered many South American tribes[部族] had gold. They had golden jewelry and art. The explorers wanted that gold badly. They killed or captured many thousands of people just to get it.
  California, 1848 In 1848, a man saw flecks[微粒,小片] of gold in a stream in California. “GOLD MINE FOUND!” screamed a newspaper headline. The tiny flecks changed the United States forever. Gold fever took over the country.
  Tens of thousands of Americans dropped everything and headed west in search of fortune. They left their families. They moved rocks, dug in mud, and waded[涉水] in freezing streams. Some got hurt or sick. Others got lucky and found gold. The gold seekers kept coming, hoping they’d be next to strike it rich.
  Gold’s Global Grip
  Worldwide, 2009 Today, finding gold is harder than ever. In most mines, workers find specks[斑点]
  of gold so small. Miners have to dig up 30 tons of rock just to find enough gold for one ring. Mining has left gashes[很深的裂缝] in Earth. The holes are so big, they can be seen from space! In 1990, gold was discovered in a volcano on an island in Indonesia. Now, the volcano has disappeared. Miners took it apart, rock by rock.
  The work in a gold mine still can be deadly, just as it was for Egyptian slaves. Today, many miners use a dangerous liquid called mercury[水银] to separate gold from rock. The mercury can poison people and the environment. Even so, the desire for gold keeps growing. In 2007, people around the world bought 2,500 tons of gold jewelry!
  Today, gold is in demand for more than its shimmering beauty. It’s used in computers, cell phones, and telescopes. Astronauts wearvisors[面盔] coated with a thin layer of gold. It protects them from the sun’s rays. Doctors are studying ways that gold might help them fight cancer.
  The ancient Egyptians may never have dreamed of using gold in these ways. Many years separate the pharaohs from today’s miners, scientists, and artists. Yet one thing unites them all: gold fever.
  公元前3000年,埃及 埃及法老周围缀满黄金。他们坐在黄金宝座上发号施令,给战车也镀上金;他们戴着黄金打造的王冠和珠宝,甚至在埋葬木乃伊时给它们戴上黄金面具。
  公元前560年,土耳其 统治着古代吕底亚国(即现在的土耳其西部)的克罗伊斯王在黄金热的传播过程中扮演了重要角色。他提出一个新想法:用纯黄金铸造钱币。
  公元16世纪,南美洲 16世纪,欧洲流传着一则关于一种古老仪式的传闻。故事是这样的:(在这种仪式里)穆伊斯卡国王全身涂满细腻的黄金粉末,闪闪发光,像太阳一样耀眼。他站在一张竹筏上,脚边堆满金灿灿的黄金。当竹筏到达湖心的时候,他便把黄金扔进水中,他自己随后也潜入水里,洗去身上的金粉。据说这样做能取悦穆伊斯卡的神灵。
  1848年,(美国)加利福尼亚 1848年,有人在加利福尼亚的一条河流里发现了黄金的碎屑。一家报纸用头条大声惊呼:“发现金矿了!”这些细碎的金屑从此改变了美国。黄金狂潮席卷了整个国家。
  2009,世界各地 时至今天,要找到黄金比以往困难多了。在大多数金矿里,矿工只能找到一点点黄金。矿工们要开凿30吨的岩石,才能挖到足够打造一枚戒指的黄金。而金矿的开采也给地球留下了深深的伤痕。这些开采金矿所留下的缺口大得从太空都能看见!1990年,有人在印度尼西亚一个岛屿的火山里发现了黄金。但现在这个火山已经消失了,因为矿工把它的岩石一块一块地拆开、搬走了。
  注2:克罗伊斯,公元前6世纪吕底亚的末代国王, 以富有著称,其国家后被居鲁士率领的波斯军队攻占。人们用“as rich as Croesus”来形容非常富有。
  注4:埃尔多拉多,理想中的黄金国, 传说中的宝山。
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