《阅微草堂笔记》是一部与《聊斋志异》异工而同曲的具有强烈社会批判倾向和很高思想认识价值的笔记小说。其中谈狐说鬼 ,惩恶劝善之笔 ,冷峻忠实地反映了清代黑暗腐朽的社会本质 ,暴露和抨击了封建礼教与程宋理学的伪善与丑恶。其思想主题并非仅为“不乖于风教”“有益于劝惩”。发现并阐述其思想主题对于认识《阅微草堂笔记》的文学价值 ,有着极为重要的意义。
The “Yue Wei Cottage Notes” is a note-book novel with a strong tendency of social criticism and a high ideological value, which is the same as that of a stranger who works in Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio. Among them, Fox talked about ghosts and punished evils to persuade good and evil. It solemnly and faithfully reflected the dark and decadent social nature of the Qing Dynasty and exposed and attacked the hypocrisy and ugliness of feudal ethics and Cheng Song Neo-Confucianism. Its ideological theme is not only “not good at teaching”, “good for persuasion.” It is of great significance to discover and explain the ideological theme for understanding the literary value of “Yue Wei Cottage Notes.”