1998年2月26日上午,随着一声正义的枪声,酒后驾车肇事致一人死亡、肇事后拖人逃逸1500米又致一人重历的张金柱,在郑州被执行死刑。人们欣慰地看到,在经历了法律和道德的庄严审判之后,激起公愤的肇事者终于得到了应有的下场。 霓虹下的罪恶 郑州市金水大道素以宾馆栉比、酒楼林立而闻名,五彩的华灯和闪烁的霓虹,变幻出万千景致,美不胜收。1997年8月24日晚,一夏无雨的郑州闷热异常,人们三三两两聚在街头纳凉。
On the morning of February 26, 1998, with the sound of gunshots, one person was killed after driving a drunk driving accident and Zhang Jinzhu, who had been evacuated for 1,500 meters and made a personal calendar after the accident, was executed in Zhengzhou. It is gratifying to see that, after a solemn trial of law and morality, the perpetrators aroused by the indignation were finally given their due end. Sin under the evil Zhengzhou Jinshui avenue with numerous guesthouses, famous restaurants everywhere, colorful lights and flashing neon, changing thousands of scenery, beautiful. On the evening of August 24, 1997, a summer without rain in Zhengzhou was so hot and unusual that people gathered in the streets to enjoy the cool weather.