中国古代文学很早就有乐师形象的出现 ,尤其是对乐师舞台形象的刻划 ,经历了由注重外部形态动作 ,向凸现内部情感基质 ;由原始朴野 ,向文明高雅的转变。对这种转变进行梳理 ,可以发现 ,早期文学对于乐师舞台形象的塑造 ,愈到后来愈切入艺术本体 ,也更加注重人的情感体验和审美欣赏。对古代乐师的表演艺术进行纵向审视 ,可以再现不同时期乐师表演的艺术特点。
The ancient Chinese literature has long appeared the appearance of musician, especially the division of musician’s stage image. It has experienced the change from focusing on external forms to highlighting the internal emotional matrix; from the primitive simplicity to the elegant. To sort out this transformation, we can find that the shaping of the stage image of musicians by early literature is more focused on the ontology of the arts and more on the emotional experiences and aesthetic appreciation of the people. A longitudinal examination of the performing arts of the ancient musicians can reproduce the artistic features of the musicians’ performance in different periods.