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  Ant Forest, a green initiative by the world’s leading payment and lifestyle platform Alipay, received the “U.N. Champions of the Earth” award in September.
   The award is the United Nation’s highest environmental honor and was given to Ant Forest for galvanizing more than half a billion people to adopt an eco-friendly and greener lifestyle, thus greatly contributing to ecological protection with the help of digital technology.
   Alipay achieved this remarkable feat by inspiring its users to choose from various low-carbon options in their daily lives, such as limited usage of paper and plastic, online payment of utility bills, and green travel using public transportation or bicycles instead of driving cars.
   “Green energy points” are also allotted to users each time they opt for an eco-friendly option, and once sufficient points are accumulated, users are allowed to grow a virtual tree in their Ant Forest app.
   Subsequently, a real tree is planted by Alipay and its philanthropic partners in lieu of the virtual tree in some of the country’s most arid regions. Users can view their trees in real-time via satellite.
   The publicity generated is creating a virtuous cycle whereby more and more residents are encouraged to adopt low-carbon and energy-saving lifestyle.
   The Ant Forest initiative was launched by the Alipay app in August 2016, and so far, the company has planted almost 122 million trees to revitalize the most arid regions such as Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, and Shanxi.
   The app has attracted more than 500 million users and has efficiently averted almost 7.9 million tons of carbon emissions by forming a tree coverage area of 112,000 hectares. With these numbers under its belt, the project has become the country’s largest private-sector tree-planting initiative.
   According to Inger Andersen, executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, “Ant Forest demonstrates how technology can reshape our world by harnessing the positive energy and innovation of global users.”
   She further highlighted that “although the environmental challenges we face are daunting, we have the technology and the knowledge to conquer them and fundamentally redesign how we interact with the planet. Initiatives like Ant Forest tap into the best of human ingenuity and innovation to create a better world.”
   This initiative of Ant Forest is also in line with the Chinese government’s strategy of transforming the nation into a “Green Economy”. To accomplish this objective, the country is taking aggressive action in expanding its green coverage.    A research report published by NASA early this year highlighted that China has contributed to the increase in the world’s green leaf area by almost 25% in the last two decades, despite possessing only 6.6% of world’s vegetated area.
   Out of this increase, 42% is due to afforestation while another 32% is a result of farming activities. Also, several forestation projects covering 6.6 million hectares, almost the size of Ireland, is underway in the northern parts of Hebei, Inner Mongolia and Qinghai to cover nearly 23% of the mainland’s total land area with forests.
   Additionally, China has been making persistent efforts since the 1970s to contain advancing desertification. For instance, the “Great Green Wall”, a gigantic anti-desertification program, was initiated in the country’s northern region in 1978 to restrain expansion of the Gobi Desert. Thus far, over 66 billion trees have been planted in the area.
   Moreover, several laws related to the transformation of arid lands were put in place by the country in the early 2000s to facilitate revival of degraded farms and grasslands.
   The Forestry Administration’s monitoring report highlighted that desert lands in the country expanded between 1994 and 1999, but contracted from then until 2014. The study also mentioned that such areas had shrunk by 2,424 square kilometers per year in the past decade.
   According to the United Nations, an alarming 1.8 billion people are expected to suffer severe water scarcity by 2025, while almost two-thirds of the world’s population would experience acute “water-stressed” conditions.
   Already, a third of the planet’s fertile land has become extinct due to land degradation in the last 40 years. In addition, a landmass almost half the size of the European Union (4.18 million square kilometers) is converted into a degraded land every year, with Africa and Asia being the most impacted regions as a consequence of their increasing population.
   It seems clear that unless governments, businesses, and people all come together to form a focused team, it’s difficult to contain global warming and its ensuing impact. Going by the warnings of climate scientists, the planet is at a tipping point which could result in unparalleled natural disasters unless urgent actions are taken immediately.
   Here, Alipay Ant Forest shows that it is possible to make collective efforts while relying on digital technology for a better and greener future. Several more initiatives, from not just China but all across the globe, are utilizing technology to contribute towards a sustainable and inclusive future of the planet.   蚂蚁森林是全球领先的支付生活平台支付宝发起的一项绿色倡议活动。2018年9月,它荣获“联合国地球卫士奖”。
  1. 黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展 ecological conservation and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin (YB Conservation and Development)
  2. 保护、传承、弘扬黄河文化 to preserve, inherit and promote the Yellow River culture
  3. 黄河安澜 When the Yellow River is harnessed, China will enjoy tranquility.
  4. 以水而定、量水而行 to use Yellow River water resources as its capacity permits
  5. 共同抓好大保护,协同推进大治理 to work together to protect and harness the Yellow River
  6. 黄河长治久安 to keep the Yellow River harnessed
  7. 宜水则水、宜山则山,宜粮则粮、宜农则农,宜工则工、宜商则商 to make use of the water and mountain resources, grow crops, and develop agriculture, industry or business where conditions permit
  8. 山水林田湖草综合治理、系统治理、源头治理 to protect mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes and grasslands and address their degradation at the source in a coordinated way
英译汉  一等奖(1名)  刘正飞 嘉兴职业技术学院  二等奖(2名)  张建惠 鲁东大学  林天晴 广东财经大学  三等奖(3名)  彭楚晗 自由翻译  安子尧 自由译者  赖 桃 广西民族大学  优秀奖(43名)  钱蒙生 南京师范大学  张含雪 三峡大学  郭晓阳 自由职业  张宇漾 江苏师范大学  张睿洺 国际关系学院  张思懿 四川外国语大学  孙 琦 西北大学  王泽泽 山东大学  夏
译例1:  【原文】及长,爱花成癖,喜剪盆树。识张兰坡,始精剪枝养节之法,继悟接花叠石之法。  【译文】As a young man I was excessively fond of flowers and loved to prune and shape potted plants and trees. When I met Chang Lan-p’o he began to teach me
傅聪、傅敏兄弟二人,一在伦敦,一在北京,相隔万里,却同时在世纪疫情里困居家中。我在香港遥忆故交,除了分别致电问候,得知他们现都安好之外,不由得想起了40年前他俩风华正茂时,与他们初次相遇相识的情景。  1980年旧历大年初一,我从巴黎前往伦敦,为了撰写有关傅雷的博士论文去访问傅聪。那时傅敏恰巧也在英国。记得那天很冷,他们住的那条街相当僻静,是个高级住宅区,记不清是哪个方向了,只记得他们家坐落在一个
顾问委员会(姓氏拼音序,下同)  柴明颎 上海外国语大学教授  陈国华 北京外国语大学教授  辜正坤 北京大学教授  黄友义 中国翻译协会常务副会长、教育部MTI教指委主任  连真然 四川省翻译协会副会长  刘士聪 南开大学教授  许 钧 中国翻译协会常务副会长、浙江大学教授  仲偉合 中国翻译协会常务副会长、澳门城市大学教授  评审委员会  主任评委  林 巍 博士,杭州师范大学特聘教授  终审
Still hungry, Rachet ran all the way to the tire and dove in.   She turned as smoothly as flowing water, lifted her head, and breathed in deeply. The Roxville Cats were each back in their First Homes.
【1】很少人会反对,短短数十载现代社会已然发生巨变。其变化体现在各个不同方面。可举之例有:可支配收入增长、消费品和服务大增、个人流动性提高、休闲支出增加和日常家务时间减少。  【2】我们可以强调日益复杂的知识库带来的技术效率提升,或现代消费模式越来越多的资源“足迹”,或贸易的集约化,或传统农村产业的衰落,或制造业向发展中国家转移,或“知识”经济的出现。  【3】我们当然应该指出,这些变化伴随且有时
【编者按】本文内容节选自新华社译审王季良先生的翻译笔记。作者从其翻译外刊的实践中选取例句,配以地道的中文翻译,有时辅以适当说明,指津点要,陈说翻译难点。本刊认为,这些翻译点滴对学习翻译者大有裨益,特刊发以飨读者。  1. in the liquid-coal pipeline  In China, there is about $ 25 billion worth of investments c
【1】很少有人会否认,仅仅数十年间,现代社会就已发生了巨大变化。变化可能表现在诸多不同方面,譬如,可支配收入增长、消费品与服务供应大规模增加、个人出行能力提高、休闲开支增多,以及日常家务时间减少。  【2】可能值得注意的是,日益复杂的知识领域带来的技术效率的提高、现代消费模式留下的不断增加的资源“足迹”、贸易交往的加强、传统乡村产业的衰落、制造业向发展中国家的转移,以及“知识”经济的兴起。  【3
【1】 The effectiveness of cross-cultural communication between communities in the world may also be enhanced by being each other’s cultural sites. Xuanzang (602–664), for instance, went on a pilgrimage