About the bug of the theory of evolution

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  There is this question brought up on the internet:
  Why bacteria have better adaptability to survive than human and other species while human and other species are lately evolved?
  Bacteria have lived on earth for 31.9 billion years, much longer than a lot of other later evolved species like dinosaurs (lived on earth for 1.6 billion years) and a lot of different types of mammals, this fact isn’t making much sense considering the idea of evolving to adopt change, if later species were evolved to adopt changes to survive, they would have much better adaptability to survive than bacteria, but that’s not the case of reality now why is that?
  Actually Nietzsche has already answered this question back in 19th century, with his “will to power“, you see, human wasn’t evolving for surviving, human was evolving for power, for dominance. That’s why we are now dominating all the other species on earth.
  But animals are just like people, not all of them have will to power, some of them only want to survive, that’s why bacteria still exist.
  Haven’t dig much about biology, but I watched Jordan Peterson’s interview saying that human divulged from lobsters 350 million years ago, and we are now eating lobsters, so we can see the phenomenon that complex( later evolved ) animals are eating, are dominating the less complex animals. (At least in our human case, and probably in other cases, the type of animals got eaten gotta arrive on earth before the type of animals eat them, cause what were they gonna eat if there were nothing to eat? If they weren’t eating animal type A, they can’t be called the dominating animal type B, A has to exist before B does, cause having A on earth is the condition for B to exist. The dominated group has to exist before the dominating group does, otherwise, the dominating group can’t be called the dominating group. Only when there is A, dominance could happen.) And we can also see the phenomenon that phytoplankton is at the bottom of food chain, and they are the ones appeared on earth first.
  So evolution is partially for the will to power, for dominance.
  Arthur Schopenhauer wrote that there are conflicts between will’s objectivations, and during the conflicts, the higher level of will’s objectivatioins always win, for example, if we lift our arms, we would eventually put down our arms after a while for the feeling of comfort, that is because the feeling, the will of the organism as the higher level of will’s objectivation, wins out the lower level of will’s objectivation, the chemical reaction of arm lifting. The higher level of objectivations always win out the lower level of will’s objectivations, that’s why species always evolve to be more and more sophisticated, cause they would become the higher level of will’s objectivation if they become more sophisticated, so they could win out, could dominate the lower level of will’s objectivation.   I have thought about if species dominate other species for becoming the higher level of will’s objectivation or they become higher level of will’s objectivation to dominate other species, the answer is that species become more sophisticated to dominate other species, cause being more sophisticated is the condition to dominate, but dominance isn’t the condition to become more sophisticated, species can’t dominate for becoming more sophisticated, they can’t dominate before they become more sophisticated.
  Becoming the higher level of will’s objectivations is the mean, dominance is the end.
  Why becoming more sophisticated, becoming the higher level of will’s objectivation can’t be the goal of species evolving? Cause species don’t have to eat, to dominate other species to become more sophisticated, dominance is not the condition of being more sophisticated, becoming the higher level of will’s objectivation, so species perform dominance means they want dominance.
  【作者簡介】Zhangziqing(1999.11.22-), male, Han, China, Camford royal school, high school student, Hebei province, Shijiazhuang.
【摘要】通过英语语言文学教学,学生不仅能掌握一些英语知识,而且能提高学生的英语水平,逐步提高学生的识字能力。实践表明,情景教学法在英语教学中具有独特的优势。本文从学生的思维方式、学生的兴趣和独立学习能力三个方面对情景教学法在英语教学中的重要性进行了分析,并在此基础上,从情景教学法在英语语言文学教学中的应用策略进行了研究。  【关键词】情景教学法;英语语言文学;重要性;应用策略  【作者简介】李育青
【摘要】现如今,随着翻转课堂理念的深入,教育界开始重视翻转课堂的教学效率,越来越多的教师和学者开始尝试和创新这种新型的教学和学习方式,并试图通过“微课”来进一步创新翻转课堂,以此突破传统课堂教学模式,使教学知识的传授变得更加深入。本文主要针对我国中学英语学科,就如何通过“微课”实现翻转课堂以及如何在翻转课堂中明确学生教育主体地位,提升教学水平进行了详细探究。  【关键词】中学英语教学;微课设计;翻
前言  在英语教学中,单元复习一直是一个有挑战性的环节,学生在学习完一个单元后,通过单词听写,课文背诵等方式,掌握了单元的基本内容,可是随着时间的推移,他们短期记忆的内容很快就被遗忘了。虽然大家都知道艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线,可是由于课程进度原因,很少有老师和学生能够做到严格按照艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线图去巩固知识,因此,如何利用思维导图进行单元复习、增加知识在学生脑海中的留存率是非常值得英语教育者认真思考和研究
一、前言  新版高中英语课程标准对学生语言技能中的理解性技能的要求为:阐释和评价语篇反映的情感、态度和价值观;对认知策略的要求有:在语境中学习词汇和语法。  然而在阅读教学中,我们时常发现,学生在阅读过程中有时并不能完全把握作者的情感。即便在语篇内容和话题都贴近生活的前提下,学生作为阅读的主体却并不一定能和作者产生情感上的共鸣。而“读写结合”教学模式中不常被人使用的“以写促读”或许可以给我们提供一
【摘要】分层教学充分体现了面向全体、分层优化、因材施教、主体参与;能激发学生学习英语的兴趣,促使学生主动获取知识,减少学生流失,大面积提高英语学习成绩;分层施教起点低,能多层次地调动学生们的学习积极性,增强了竞争性,淡化了形式,注重了实际,具有保尖、促中、补差生的作用。分层教学实施以来,我们通过反复实践,不断完善和改进,现已基本形成了一个比较简便,易于操作的方案,充分显示了它的优越性。  【关键词
【摘要】小组合作学习的学习模式越来越多地应用于初中英语课堂教学。小组合作学习模式倡导学生通过自主、合作、探究等学习方法,通过同伴互相的学习和探索,并通过以 “优生带后进生”的教学理念,从而有效地提升班级后进生的英语综合能力。  【关键词】小组;合作学习;初中英语;后进生  【作者简介】梁宇玫,宁波市华茂外国语学校。  初中阶段的学生,基本上英语都已经学过三到六年。而这几年英语学习的有效性却因人而异
英语教学中的后进生是教师在日常教学中遇到的一个棘手问题,如何找到后进生转化的有效途径。本文从多角度分析和阐述了小组合作中转化后进生的可行性,并深入探讨了小组学习中的小组建设策略、小组活动策略和评价策略。一、小组建设策略  1.合理科学分组。笔者所教班级有40多个学生。分组前,对班内学生的英语成绩、兴趣爱好、组织能力等进行了调研,并且编制了一份学生情况调查表。然后,根据调查表内容,依照分组原则,将班
【摘要】为充分发挥网络资源对提高英语口译能力的作用,笔者以《应用网络资源提高英语口译能力的技巧》为课题,从英语口译相关概念阐述入手,对网络资源在英语口译中的应用进行了深入地分析,并在此基础上探讨了应用网络资源提高英语口译能力的技巧。  【关键词】网络资源;英语口译能力;应用;技巧  【作者简介】李思莹(2011.01-),女,汉族,山东聊城人,德州学院,本科在读,研究方向:地理。  一、英语口译相
【摘要】互联网的迅猛发展使得碎片化阅读日益成为主流阅读模式之一,尽管碎片化阅读有其无可比拟的优越性,但其弊端也显而易见。如何应对这些弊端是当代大学生,包括英语专业大学生应该认真思考的问题。  【关键词】互联网 ;碎片化阅读;弊端;策略  【作者简介】黄玲,陆雅婷,蒋陈琳,湖南科技学院外国语学院,英语专业2016级学生。  【基金项目】本文系湖南科技学院校级大学生研究性学习和创新性实验计划项目 《互