漫画节现场:观画。 Spectators view artworks at the festival.
在王尔德的小说《道连 •格雷的画像》中,一个情节让人难忘——艺术家霍华德对他倾注了感情的漫画对象道连•格雷说:“你已经成了我看不见的理想的可见的化身。 ”
值得一提的是,我在漫画节上,还看到了中国动漫博物馆首次展出的馆藏珍品、名家的近50余幅真迹,其中有张乐平的《三毛》原稿、朱德庸《女孩画像》原稿、夏达《子不语》原稿、曲建方《阿凡提》钢笔手稿以及海内外名家塔基比 •阿里瑞扎《午餐》、尤里 •科索布金《荒岛求生记》等作品,漫画的发展历程如同放电影般在眼前掠过。那些表情各异的形象,无不代表了漫画作者的人生观、价值观和艺术追求。
王传法说,最早看到“三毛”的形象,是十几岁那年,在《大公报》连载上。“当时就觉得好看、生动,而且出门看看,跟我年龄相仿的流浪孩子的生活确实是这么回事儿。 ”
老王告诉我,当时他还在父母的帮助下,给《大公报》写信,甚至给“三毛”寄去衣服和捐款,托报社转交。引起的那种同情和共鸣,是“到今天为止再也没有过的”。而在极度凄苦无依的困境中,意志坚强、乐观、善良、机敏、幽默的“三毛精神”,也一直在他日后的生活里不时萌动。“今天终于看到了《三毛》原稿,怎能不激动? ”
Some children try their hands at creating a cartoon at the festival.
比如作家余华,现身漫画展,并自曝:他本人也是朱德庸漫画迷。余华说:“朱德庸就是用一种漫画的巧妙的方式,一种钝刀子割肉的折磨的方式,一种上了贼船下不来的方式,一种两败俱伤的方式,告诉我们什么是爱情。 ”
为什么朱德庸会在这批特定的人群中流行起来?赵菁说:“朱德庸的漫画主要反映了城市白领人士的日常生活状态,而白领人士的工作和生活跟网络是密不可分的。从我接触朱德庸的经验来看,大多数情况下是朋友通过邮件、博客传给我的。因此,他的作品能够快速进入目标读者,跟网络的普及是密切相关的。他的素材来源于实实在在的生活,说明他观察生活的能力强,能沉下心来,认认真真地进行创作。这一创作态度值得我们内地漫画家借鉴。 ”
A cartoon by Xia Da
A girl’s portrait by Zhu Deyong
Three-Hair Boy Adventure by Zhang Leping
访谈中,大学以媒体出版系科出身的夏达说,她喜欢的传记小说包括《约翰 •克里斯朵夫》《格列佛游记》。而她也提到大概因为自己是湖南人,所以在中国文学方面特别喜欢楚辞,并谦虚笑谈自己也不过只看过屈原的作品。
中国文人讲求琴棋书画,而从小学画、练书法又喜欢阅读的夏达,在书画这方面自然不用多说,会拉大提琴的她也在音乐方面造诣不浅。她甚至还考过业余围棋等级。如老一辈漫画家黄玉郎对夏达的评价:“很多人也认为我的作品之所以成功不单纯只是因为画面,更有大半的原因是在于对白的部分,而确实,夏达的作品中蕴含了许多深刻的思想和与众不同的氛围。这恰恰是大多数孩子们所缺乏的。所以她以个人魅力才能吸引如此多年龄相仿的读者们的关注。 ”□
First China International
Cartoon Festival Held in
By Yang Xiaohai
Some people do not think cartoon is art in its traditional sense although they are willing to admit that the art does inspire humor and open people’s eye to the funny side of everyday life. The first China International Cartoon Festival held in Hangzhou from November 4 through 6, 2011 is widely considered a successful at-tempt to have changed some people’s definition of cartoon art. The festival was held in a series of venues: the exhibition was held at the World Trade Center, the award-issuing ceremony at Hangzhou Grand Theater, a forum of cartoon artists and scholars at Westbrook Wetland. The pioneering event enabled visitors to appreciate the
powerful artistic appeal and the social benefits that cartoonists have
The event was the first overall celebration of the art’s past and present glories. On display were nearly 50 original artworks out of the collection of China Cartoon and Animation Museum. These pre-cious cartoon masterpieces highlighted some well-known Chinese cartoonists’ philosophy, viewpoint and artistic pursuit.
China International Cartoon Festival was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang principally because of Feng Zikai (1898-1975) and Zheng Leping (1910-1992), the two of the most influential cartoonists of
Xia Da autographs her books at the festival.
the 20th century China and natives of Zhejiang. Some scholars note that Japanese cartoons played a bit part in the start of the cartoon art in China in the early 20th century. However, some art historians point out that traditional woodprints and woodcarving in rural Zhe-jiang that go back to centuries testify to the aesthetic roots of the two great cartoonists. They conclude that the two masters represent the authentic style of Chinese cartoons. Their popularities were not attributed to newspapers and magazines in which their cartoons
first appeared, but to the collections of their artworks in the form of
Feng Zikai was born in Tongxiang in northern Zhejiang whereas Zhang Leping was a native of Haining. Both studied in Hangzhou in their student years. Feng made cartoon as an art popular through his single paintings, which reflect Chinese art tradition, poetry, humor, compassion, love, and rural beauty. Zhang Leping cre-ated “Three-Hair Orphan,” a homeless boy trying to survive in the streets of Shanghai in the late 1930 and 1940s and experiencing the big events of these years in China. If Feng’s cartoons look at the world, life, and family through a scholar’s eyes, Zhang’s extremely popular street boy reveals the hardship and chaos of the 1930s and 1940s the people of that time knew and experienced themselves.
The 76-year-old Wang, a visitor to the exhibition, said he was born in 1935, the same year that saw the birth of “Three Hair Or-phan.” He grew up reading the boy’s urban adventure and compar-ing the cartoon orphan’s life with street boys he saw himself. As a boy, Wang wrote a letter to Ta Kung Pao, the Shanghai-based newspaper that serialized Zhang Leping’s cartoons. The junior even donated cash and cloths to the cartoon boy via the newspaper.
The cartoons changed the master’s life and made him arguably the most famous cartoon artist of the 20th century and up to now. San Mao (the Chinese pronunciation of Three Hair, 1943-1991), an extremely influential Taiwan woman writer, adopted Sanmao as her penname. The author of the cartoons and the Taiwan author met in Shanghai in 1989 and established themselves as father and daugh-ter.
Zhu Deyong, born in 1960, was highly represented at the exhibi-tion. Unlike Feng Zikai and Zhang Leping, Zhu is famous as an art-ist of four-box comics. His serialized comics on the bittersweet as-pects of marriage catapulted his name to overnight fame in Taiwan. At first nobody knew these funny, insightful and poignant portrayals of married life came from a soldier in his 20s. People guessed the artist was a foreigner. After learning the author was a Taiwan native, they guessed it must have been an old man emotionally tortured by his wife for decades. After learning that the author was a young man not yet married, some speculated that there must be something pervert about the young man’s psyche.
Some readers busied themselves guessing who the author was largely because Zhu was popular among white-collar workers in Taiwan in these years and among the same target audience on the mainland in later years. His popularity is going on.
Xia Da, born in 1981, is a high-profile cartoonist who made her national popularity gradually over years when she was considered extremely young as an artist of such status. Her cartoons, entitled “Master Declines to Comment,” illustrate the adventures of a nine-year-old girl who moves with her parents to a small town and spends a year there. The 30-year-old artist now lives in Hangzhou.
A versatile talent, Xia Da creates cartoon stories. These artworks are more than visually appealing. The dialogues appeal extremely to young readers and allow readers to glance a sensibility that is young, fresh, graceful, and beautiful. □
在王尔德的小说《道连 •格雷的画像》中,一个情节让人难忘——艺术家霍华德对他倾注了感情的漫画对象道连•格雷说:“你已经成了我看不见的理想的可见的化身。 ”
值得一提的是,我在漫画节上,还看到了中国动漫博物馆首次展出的馆藏珍品、名家的近50余幅真迹,其中有张乐平的《三毛》原稿、朱德庸《女孩画像》原稿、夏达《子不语》原稿、曲建方《阿凡提》钢笔手稿以及海内外名家塔基比 •阿里瑞扎《午餐》、尤里 •科索布金《荒岛求生记》等作品,漫画的发展历程如同放电影般在眼前掠过。那些表情各异的形象,无不代表了漫画作者的人生观、价值观和艺术追求。
王传法说,最早看到“三毛”的形象,是十几岁那年,在《大公报》连载上。“当时就觉得好看、生动,而且出门看看,跟我年龄相仿的流浪孩子的生活确实是这么回事儿。 ”
老王告诉我,当时他还在父母的帮助下,给《大公报》写信,甚至给“三毛”寄去衣服和捐款,托报社转交。引起的那种同情和共鸣,是“到今天为止再也没有过的”。而在极度凄苦无依的困境中,意志坚强、乐观、善良、机敏、幽默的“三毛精神”,也一直在他日后的生活里不时萌动。“今天终于看到了《三毛》原稿,怎能不激动? ”
Some children try their hands at creating a cartoon at the festival.
比如作家余华,现身漫画展,并自曝:他本人也是朱德庸漫画迷。余华说:“朱德庸就是用一种漫画的巧妙的方式,一种钝刀子割肉的折磨的方式,一种上了贼船下不来的方式,一种两败俱伤的方式,告诉我们什么是爱情。 ”
为什么朱德庸会在这批特定的人群中流行起来?赵菁说:“朱德庸的漫画主要反映了城市白领人士的日常生活状态,而白领人士的工作和生活跟网络是密不可分的。从我接触朱德庸的经验来看,大多数情况下是朋友通过邮件、博客传给我的。因此,他的作品能够快速进入目标读者,跟网络的普及是密切相关的。他的素材来源于实实在在的生活,说明他观察生活的能力强,能沉下心来,认认真真地进行创作。这一创作态度值得我们内地漫画家借鉴。 ”
A cartoon by Xia Da
A girl’s portrait by Zhu Deyong
Three-Hair Boy Adventure by Zhang Leping
访谈中,大学以媒体出版系科出身的夏达说,她喜欢的传记小说包括《约翰 •克里斯朵夫》《格列佛游记》。而她也提到大概因为自己是湖南人,所以在中国文学方面特别喜欢楚辞,并谦虚笑谈自己也不过只看过屈原的作品。
中国文人讲求琴棋书画,而从小学画、练书法又喜欢阅读的夏达,在书画这方面自然不用多说,会拉大提琴的她也在音乐方面造诣不浅。她甚至还考过业余围棋等级。如老一辈漫画家黄玉郎对夏达的评价:“很多人也认为我的作品之所以成功不单纯只是因为画面,更有大半的原因是在于对白的部分,而确实,夏达的作品中蕴含了许多深刻的思想和与众不同的氛围。这恰恰是大多数孩子们所缺乏的。所以她以个人魅力才能吸引如此多年龄相仿的读者们的关注。 ”□
First China International
Cartoon Festival Held in
By Yang Xiaohai
Some people do not think cartoon is art in its traditional sense although they are willing to admit that the art does inspire humor and open people’s eye to the funny side of everyday life. The first China International Cartoon Festival held in Hangzhou from November 4 through 6, 2011 is widely considered a successful at-tempt to have changed some people’s definition of cartoon art. The festival was held in a series of venues: the exhibition was held at the World Trade Center, the award-issuing ceremony at Hangzhou Grand Theater, a forum of cartoon artists and scholars at Westbrook Wetland. The pioneering event enabled visitors to appreciate the
powerful artistic appeal and the social benefits that cartoonists have
The event was the first overall celebration of the art’s past and present glories. On display were nearly 50 original artworks out of the collection of China Cartoon and Animation Museum. These pre-cious cartoon masterpieces highlighted some well-known Chinese cartoonists’ philosophy, viewpoint and artistic pursuit.
China International Cartoon Festival was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang principally because of Feng Zikai (1898-1975) and Zheng Leping (1910-1992), the two of the most influential cartoonists of
Xia Da autographs her books at the festival.
the 20th century China and natives of Zhejiang. Some scholars note that Japanese cartoons played a bit part in the start of the cartoon art in China in the early 20th century. However, some art historians point out that traditional woodprints and woodcarving in rural Zhe-jiang that go back to centuries testify to the aesthetic roots of the two great cartoonists. They conclude that the two masters represent the authentic style of Chinese cartoons. Their popularities were not attributed to newspapers and magazines in which their cartoons
first appeared, but to the collections of their artworks in the form of
Feng Zikai was born in Tongxiang in northern Zhejiang whereas Zhang Leping was a native of Haining. Both studied in Hangzhou in their student years. Feng made cartoon as an art popular through his single paintings, which reflect Chinese art tradition, poetry, humor, compassion, love, and rural beauty. Zhang Leping cre-ated “Three-Hair Orphan,” a homeless boy trying to survive in the streets of Shanghai in the late 1930 and 1940s and experiencing the big events of these years in China. If Feng’s cartoons look at the world, life, and family through a scholar’s eyes, Zhang’s extremely popular street boy reveals the hardship and chaos of the 1930s and 1940s the people of that time knew and experienced themselves.
The 76-year-old Wang, a visitor to the exhibition, said he was born in 1935, the same year that saw the birth of “Three Hair Or-phan.” He grew up reading the boy’s urban adventure and compar-ing the cartoon orphan’s life with street boys he saw himself. As a boy, Wang wrote a letter to Ta Kung Pao, the Shanghai-based newspaper that serialized Zhang Leping’s cartoons. The junior even donated cash and cloths to the cartoon boy via the newspaper.
The cartoons changed the master’s life and made him arguably the most famous cartoon artist of the 20th century and up to now. San Mao (the Chinese pronunciation of Three Hair, 1943-1991), an extremely influential Taiwan woman writer, adopted Sanmao as her penname. The author of the cartoons and the Taiwan author met in Shanghai in 1989 and established themselves as father and daugh-ter.
Zhu Deyong, born in 1960, was highly represented at the exhibi-tion. Unlike Feng Zikai and Zhang Leping, Zhu is famous as an art-ist of four-box comics. His serialized comics on the bittersweet as-pects of marriage catapulted his name to overnight fame in Taiwan. At first nobody knew these funny, insightful and poignant portrayals of married life came from a soldier in his 20s. People guessed the artist was a foreigner. After learning the author was a Taiwan native, they guessed it must have been an old man emotionally tortured by his wife for decades. After learning that the author was a young man not yet married, some speculated that there must be something pervert about the young man’s psyche.
Some readers busied themselves guessing who the author was largely because Zhu was popular among white-collar workers in Taiwan in these years and among the same target audience on the mainland in later years. His popularity is going on.
Xia Da, born in 1981, is a high-profile cartoonist who made her national popularity gradually over years when she was considered extremely young as an artist of such status. Her cartoons, entitled “Master Declines to Comment,” illustrate the adventures of a nine-year-old girl who moves with her parents to a small town and spends a year there. The 30-year-old artist now lives in Hangzhou.
A versatile talent, Xia Da creates cartoon stories. These artworks are more than visually appealing. The dialogues appeal extremely to young readers and allow readers to glance a sensibility that is young, fresh, graceful, and beautiful. □