1900年义和团运动后,清王朝从西方检来了“宪政”的旗帜,此后,在中国的制宪史上,一出出闹剧相继上演。 一。慈禧太后的“预备立宪” 二十世纪初年,对于大清帝国的统治者来说,是一个多事的年代。孙中山为首的革命党人连续举行武装起义,湖南、江西、山东的农民暴动也不断,全国各地反清起事逐渐发生。1904—1905年日俄战争爆发,区区小日本竟打败了堂堂沙皇俄国,这一战争的结局,又引起了中国国内立宪派一片“立宪胜于专制”的鼓噪;清廷内一
After the Boxer Rebellion in 1900, the Qing Dynasty seized the banner of “constitutionalism” from the West. Since then, a farce has been staged in China’s constitutional history. one. Empress Dowager Cixi “preparatory constitutional” early twentieth century, for the rulers of the Qing Empire, is a troublesome era. The revolutionaries held by Sun Yat-sen held an armed insurrection in a row, and peasant riots in Hunan, Jiangxi and Shandong also continued. There was a steady rise in the anti-Qing insurgencies across the country. The Russo-Japanese War broke out in 1904-1905 and Japan’s small area actually defeated the dignified Tsarist Russia. The outcome of this war has also aroused the drumming of a constitutionalist constitutionalist autocracy in China. In the Qing court,