Development of single-action,two-step clinching system using finite element analysis

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tecra1234
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Traditional manufacturing processes for bending and combining the upper and lower heat insulation plates for a car catalytic converter need two kinds of bending dies. This study was carried out to develop a single-action, two-step clinching system for clinching heat insulation plates. To design the operating mechanism for this clinching system, finite element analysis was used to estimate the bending load needed and to predict the bent shape of the heat insulation plate. Then a recovery and cushioning system was designed for the bending die. It is expected that this new process will improve the manufacturing quality of heat insulation plates and will reduce manufacturing cost. And a higher value-added technique for mold and pressing systems was introduced. Traditional manufacturing processes for bending and combining the upper and lower heat insulation plates for a car catalytic converter need two kinds of bending dies. This study was carried out to develop a single-action, two-step clinching system for clinching heat insulation plates. design the operating mechanism for this clinching system, finite element analysis was used to estimate the bending load needed and to predict the bent shape of the heat insulation plate. Then a recovery and cushioning system was designed for the bending die. It is expected that this new process will improve the manufacturing quality of heat insulation plates and will reduce manufacturing cost. And a higher value-added technique for mold and pressing systems was introduced.
【摘要】校友资源是高校特有的资源和无价资产,充分发挥校友资源的作用,对独立学院的改革和发展具有十分重要的意义。本文从校友资源的内涵和特征出发,提出了当前校友资源开发中存在的一些问题,进而提出了独立学院合理开发和利用校友资源的措施。  【关键词】校友资源独立学院开发利用    校友资源作为高等院校最为宝贵的社会资源,不仅可以向人们传递大学信息,展示学校理念,还可以为学校提供改革发展中所需的各项资源。
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