(本刊记者潘基勇) 8月13日,广西壮族自治区纪委副书记,自治区人力资源和社会保障厅党组书记、副厅长,公务员局局长蒋克昌,自治区人力资源和社会保障厅副巡视员陈天生等一行5人,在田林县委书记龙宗福等有关领导的陪同下,怀着对八渡瑶乡人民的深情厚谊,远道而来出席百六村
(Correspondent Pan Jiyong) On August 13, deputy secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, party secretary and deputy director of the Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security of the autonomous region, Jiang Kechang, director of the Civil Service Bureau, Chen Tiansheng, deputy inspector of the Human Resources and Social Security Department of the autonomous region, Accompanied by relevant leaders such as Long Zongfu, secretary of Tianlin county party committee, and other leaders of Tianchi County Party Committee, accompanied by the deep friendship between the people of Ba Du Yao Village and Bai Lu Village