人类思想在过去的两百年经历了极其动荡的探索性、实验性反思 ,表现为对传统文化所采取的相对主义、怀疑主义甚至彻底的否定 ,但最近却相继出现了回归传统的风潮 ,个中缘由从根本上在于传统建构性。本文以中世纪倍受垢病的经院哲学为个案 ,分析了经院哲学的内涵以及它在文化整合以形成新的理性主义传统中所作出的巨大贡献 ,并进一步就现代、“后现代”哲人的“反传统”观念作深入的清理 ,以求证传统文化在生命、历史建构过程中不可逾越的先验性和形上性。本文主张清理历史的遗留、了解历史之恩怨 ,并重继往与开来
In the past two hundred years, human thought has undergone extremely turbulent exploratory and experimental reflections, manifested in its relativism and skepticism toward traditional culture, and even its complete denial. However, the trend of return to tradition has emerged recently, The reason is fundamentally traditional constructivism. This paper, based on the case study of scholasticism in the Middle Ages, analyzes the connotation of Scholasticism and its great contributions in the cultural integration to form a new rationalist tradition, and further analyzes the contributions made by modern philosophers to “postmodernism” Anti-traditional "concept in-depth clean-up, in order to verify the traditional culture in the process of life and history insurmountable a priori and metaphysics. This paper advocates to clean up the legacy of history, to understand the grievances in history and to inherit and develop