“If the lord cut a knife, then other people think he is the probability of anti-thief will increase? How to calculate?” The conditional probability of this problem is that Tetsu Toshitsu in his talk, “Wanmen University Theoretical Physics January Training Class ”on the issue. In July 2013, Tetsuhiro talked about the undergraduate physical education system in a month’s time. His schedule is two days of advanced mathematics, two days of linear algebra, four days of mathematical physics and probability statistics, and two days of theoretical mechanics. Thermodynamics and Two days of statistical physics, five days of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, two days of electrodynamics, two days of differential geometry, five days of special theory of relativity and general theory of relativity, two days of conformal field theory, two days of string theory, and seven independent physics Lectures, two hours each and two exams. 14 universities