The research on new model of college student supporting education

来源 :成长·读写月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freddyzhu
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  The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to give priority to the development of education, to promote the integration of compulsory education in urban and rural areas, to pay high attention to rural compulsory education, to popularize high school education, and to make every child enjoy fair and quality education. At the first session of the 13th National People's Congress, Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that in 2018, the government's work should focus on developing fair and quality education. To promote the integration of compulsory education in urban and rural areas, education investment will continue to incline to difficult areas and weak links. Children are the future of the nation and the hope of the family.
  At present, the ways of how university student support education are mainly based on tutoring, holding interesting activities and rural summer camps. This article explores new models for university student teaching support and provides reference ideas.
  First of all, implement teacher-oriented supporting education. For example:
  1.Online teaching:
  1)University students can record courses and upload them on online education platforms. University student supporting education teams can use the online education platform used most frequent by local teachers as medium and provide targeted skills training to teachers according to their needs, such as computer technology, PS, and Flash etc.
  2)Online teacher communication group: university student supporting education teams can provide a bridge to enable teachers from supported education schools and the team-owned universities to communicate online. The volunteers of the supporting team are responsible for the management and plans formulating as the third party.
  3)Online live platform: by using online education systems and live broadcast platforms, undergraduates can conduct online real-time teaching activities for supported students.
  2.The new model of traditional offline education:
  In addition to the long-term mechanism of online support, university student supporting education teams need to spend holidays going to the teaching sites, communicating with school teachers and interacting with students. What’s more, they also have to conduct adjustments to online teaching based on feedbacks in time and carry out practical communication activities.
  Secondly, university student volunteers can help their counterparts establish long-term fixed-point assistance relationships with organizations or schools in other places. In this way, not only schools can be helped materially but also more importantly, teachers and students can learn new knowledge from the outside world to broaden their horizon. Schools should also continue to explore new ways to cultivate teachers and elevate education informatization level.
【摘 要】中职生就要学习适合中职的特点的数学,为此,将数学实验引入课堂,对促进中职生对数学学习和专业课学习都非常有帮助。本文从中职生实际情况出发,制定了一些适合中职生的数学实验,提升数学学习能力和应用能力。  【关键词】操作型数学实验;中职;教学  一、中职生对数学学习应用能力不足  中职生数学学习中,一般都是作为文化素质课,除了用电脑展示函数图像及一些动态过程之外,很少进行数学实验,而且很多学生
【摘 要】全国职业技能大赛的举办,不仅促进了职业教育的发展,并且展示了我国教学改革成果,达到中职教学提高学生职业技能的主要目的。本文针对全国职业技能大赛对中职学校产生怎样的影响和积极促进作用展开分析探究,结果显示,在职业技能比赛中可以有效锻炼学生实践能力、动手创新能力,对学校师资力量的培养也十分有利。熟悉掌握所学专业技能并灵活应用,将理论知识与实际环境相结合,加强中职院校课程内容实用性,对中职学校
【摘 要】教学管理,是高校人才培养的重要分支,它具有基础性、引导性、以及关联性等特征。基于此,本文以中职学生为例,着重对教学管理实践中存在的问题及策略进行探究,以达到把握其实践要点,提升中职院校人才培养效率的目的。  【关键词】中职院校;学生教学管理;管理要点  教育,始终是社会发展的主要动力,它不仅为社会发展提供了多样性人才,也能够从根本上提升社会群体的综合素养,实现社会发展人才动力全面升级。为
【摘 要】英語课堂交流意愿和口语密切相关,而本文通过对高职学生英语课堂交流意愿的分析发现,学生的交流意愿普遍偏低,且存在差异。对此,本文主要从学习者与师生之间的交流,学习动机及课堂焦虑感三个方面对原因进行了分析。  【关键词】交流意愿;学习动机;课堂焦虑  一、引言  Maclntyre.认为交流意愿是指学习者“在特定的某个时间和特定的某个人用二语进行话语交流。”基于此定义,Kang(2005)认
【摘 要】长期以来,高职院校在对学生顶岗实习期间安全管理方面存有短板,顶岗实习期间各种安全问题频发,建筑类专业学生由于其工作的特殊性此类问题更是明显,但目前国内在此领域的相关研究依然较少,为了更加有效的探索学生顶岗实习期间安全管理模式,本文主要分析了现阶段建筑类专业学生实习期间常见的安全问题,并对这些问题进行分析,进而提出切实可行的对策,以期对今后的顶岗实习期间安全管理工作提供意见和建议。  【关
【摘 要】中职语文作为中等职业学院的一门必修课,发挥着工具性,系统性,人文性的重要作用。随着中职语文新大纲的出台和语文课堂改革的需要,中职语文教学实效性越来越受到重视。本文结合中职语文的教学现状,积极探索挖掘提升学生语文学习能力,提升语文教学实效性的具体方案,为中职语文教学改革提供参考。  【关键词】中职语文;教学实效性;教学改革  语文是一门基础学科,在中等职业学校人才培养中发挥着基础性的作用。
【摘 要】近年来,我国社会经济水平不断提高,我国教育体制改革、医疗卫生改革逐步深入,对我国高校医学专业学生的专业技术能力和整体礼仪职业素养提出了更高的要求。为进一步培养高校医学专业学生综合全面地发展,加强高校医学专业礼仪教育教学志在必行,本文主要就高校医学教学的主要特征进行分析,并提出了高校医学生礼仪教育体制构建的有效策略,望对未来高校医学生礼仪教育教学提供相应借鉴。  【关键词】高校医学生;礼仪
【摘 要】高职院校辅导员在学校建设和发展中发挥着重要的作用,是连接学生和学校的重要纽带。重视对高职院校辅导员的培养和建设,是推动高校内涵式发展的重点。辅导员的核心素养和能力建设涵盖了多方面内容,在“内涵式发展”视角下,重视对高职院校辅导员核心素养和能力建设的研究,具有重要的价值。本文对此进行了探讨。  【关键词】“内涵式发展”;高职院校辅导员;核心素养;能力  近些年来,我国高等教育教学改革在不断
【摘 要】随着互联网技术的普及,越来越多的领域引入互联网技术。大数据时代已经来临,同样大数据也为大学英语写作教学带来了新的教学方式。调查发现,大数据时代的特点为大学英语写作教学带来了极大的便利性,本文针对性的提出了大数据时代下大学英语写作教学改革能够采取的措施。  【关键词】大数据时代;教学改革;大学英语写作  互联网技术的应用带来了时下爆炸的信息量和难以想象的信息流通速度。随之出现的云技术,云技
【摘 要】高职院校的发展中,辅导员的核心素养是知识水平、职业能力、工作态度等综合能力的体现,对学校发展和教学活动的开展有重要的影响。随着高职院校建设规模和招生人数的增多,辅导员队伍也在不断扩大,其肩负着教育和管理的双重责任,在高职院校内涵式发展道路上,高职院校辅导员素养和能力建设也是关注的重点。本文结合当前高职院校建设实际,对辅导员核心素养和能力建设的策略进行了探讨。  【关键词】内涵式发展;高职