Frame Shifting in Family Discourse: a case study

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  【Abstract】This essay will discover how a participant (Teddy) constructs her family identity of an obedient daughter through the shift in frames by explaining 1). How frames are shifted in the speech event 2). How the participant (Teddy) constructs her ideal identity gradually during the process of intensive frame shifts.
  【Key words】Frame analysis; Family discourse
  【作者簡介】张岚(1997.03.15- ),女,汉族,宁波诺丁汉大学,英语专业学生。
  1. Introduction
  Family, as an initial site of everyday discourse and a touchstone for conversation (Kendall, 2007), has provided significantly notable interactions that are valuable for discourse analysis. Frame, which could be defined as ‘what people think they are doing, or what they think is going on, in a situation’ (Agne, 2007, p.551), is not an isolated concept but possesses a wide application in various sociolinguistic studies, especially for family discourse. To discover the characteristics and effects of more intense and concentrated frame shifts in family discourse, this essay extracts data from an episode of an American sitcom. Through the analysis, I will display how a specific interactive transformation shifts the frame and converts participants’ alignments, therefore displaying participant’s appropriate identity in family negotiation.
  2. Literature review
  2.1 Shift in footing
  Frame shifting, as an applicable approach to solve dilemmas in conversation (Goodwin, 1996), has become one of the main concerns of numerous scholars. Goodwin (1996) Goodwin (1996) stated that frame shifting frequently included changes in footing or alignment and she described frame shifting as a process of choosing to ‘initiate talk (or activity) which is not proposed by preceding action or the ongoing activity’ (p. 71).
  2.2 Mismatch in schema
  Tannen and Wallat (1987) observed that, in a medical setting when a mother’s schema for health and illness could not provide enough predication of her child’s symptoms, the pediatrician’s frame was shifted from examination frame to consultation frame because of the mother’s enquiries. Therefore, they proposed two terms, interactive frames and knowledge schema, to explain the situation of frame shifting. Interactive frame corresponds to Goffman’s frame analysis, referring to ‘what activity is being engaged in, how speakers mean what they say’ (Tannen
【摘要】本文以课外阅读系列丛书之典范英语6中的“The Boss Dog of Blossom Street”这则故事阅读教学为例,根据布鲁姆的认知目标分类理论,阐释如何通过课外阅读教学提升学生的思维品质。  【关键词】故事阅读;思维品质;认知目标分类理论  【作者简介】汪云,无锡市湖滨中学。  引言  根据布鲁姆的认知目标分类理论,青少年的抽象逻辑思维发展是一个由低级到高级、由识记到创新的过程。
【摘要】单词学习一直是初中生英语学习的基础之一,也是教师头疼的教学问题。本文从拼读法的角度对初中词汇教学进行探究,在初中英语教学中融入拼读法的教学理念。拼读法在初中英语教学中的应用,不仅能帮助学生掌握单词中的音与形的对应关系,大大促进学生单词记忆能力和拼寫的能力,也能提高学生的阅读能力。  【关键词】拼读法;初中英语;词汇教学  【作者简介】田林兰(1993- ),女,汉族,广西玉林人,教育学硕士
【摘要】二十一世纪以来,以提高阅读和写作能力为目标的读写结合教学模式正逐渐成为一种教学趋势,而探索出一种规范的、系统的、适合不同水平学生的读写整合教学方案成为了英语读写结合教学模式研究的重点。本文将探索基于窄式阅读的英语读写结合的教学模式,利用窄式阅读的方法和策略去寻求最佳的初中英语读写结合课型,实现从语言的输入到语言的输出,达到“以读助写”和“以写促读”的双向目标。  【關键词】窄式阅读;初中英
【摘要】随着教学改革的不断深入,特别是国家英语课程改革的不断深入,高中英语阅读教学显得越来越重要。但事实上,老师们面临着各种各样的问题和困难。主要原因是填鸭式教学模式的长期存在。为了改变现状,教师相应的需要进行改变。更重要的是,支架式教学更好地解决了教师“教”与学生“学”的关系。因此,我国很多学者进行了相关方面的实证研究。本文对其研究的相关方面进行了调查。  【关键词】支架式教学;高中英语阅读;总
【摘要】“图片环游”是英语绘本阅读教学常用的一种方法,教师只有在引导学生解读图片与教授文本的过程中,设计行之有效的教学活动和开放性任务,深入图文探讨故事内涵,鼓励学生用英语表达自己的观点,积极启发思维,才能有效拓展学生思维的广度,挖掘思维深度。  【关键词】英语绘本阅读教学;图片环游;思维品质;有效策略  【作者简介】张玲,苏州市金阊实验小学校。  一、英语绘本阅读教学中学生思维发展现状  受传统
【摘要】读写能力是人类最核心的能力,而阅读则是培养学生语言、思维等多种能力的载体。让学科核心素养理论层面的素养具象为英语课堂教学中可实施操作,教师要充分利用教材中的阅读素材,提高学生的书面表达能力,优化英语课堂写作教学,在实践中孕育和培养英语学科素养,使核心素养内化为学生自己的内在素养。  【关键词】核心素养;读写教学;课堂实践  【作者简介】郑爱平,福建省福州市连江县黄如论中学。  《中国学生发