时下的期刊市场,似乎隔一段时间,就会出现一种热闹。举其要者,有如下现象值得关注: 一是期刊“早熟”入市,捷足抢摊,以前是文化生活类和文摘类期刊“早产”,现在连一些专业期刊也开始“早产”,其中有的甚至能“早产”一个月。普遍的情况是每月中下旬即可买到下月初出版的杂志,读者称此为“反季节期刊”。从市场竞争的角度看,作此决策者无非是想延长销售时间,赢得更多的市场份额。但却忽视了期刊正点出版,是杂志社有序、诚信的重要标志,况且这种做法与现行有关规定也是相悖的。
Nowadays journals market, it seems that after some time, there will be a lively. The most important thing is to note the following phenomena: First, the journal “precocious” into the market, enough to grab a share, before the cultural life class and abstracts journals “premature”, and now even some professional journals also began to “premature”, of which Even a month can be “premature”. The prevailing situation is that magazines that are published early next month are available from late January each month, which readers call “anti-seasonal journals.” From a market competition point of view, this decision-maker is nothing more than to extend sales time and win more market share. However, it neglected the publication of the journal’s punctual publication and was an important symbol of the magazine’s orderliness and integrity. Moreover, this practice is contrary to the existing relevant provisions.