在世界文学史上,以一部作品而名扬天下的作家为数很少。玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)就是这样一位作家。艾伦·F.布朗和小约翰·威利在《玛格丽特·米切尔的〈飘〉》的绪言中说,玛格丽特·米切尔是“自马克·吐温以来引起了世界轰动的美国作家”之一。米切尔之所以能引起国际轰动,究其原因,是因为《飘》(Gong With The Wind,1936)一经推出便成了出版界的一个奇迹,畅销全世界,它的盗版书也铺天盖地而来。三年后,《飘》被改编为电影,成
In the history of world literature, there are only a few writers who make a name for themselves in the world with one work. Margaret Mitchell is such a writer. Ellen F. Brown and Little John Willie, in the preface to “Margaret Mitchell’s Gone,” said that Margaret Mitchell was “caused by Mark Twain One of the world’s sensational American writers. ” Mitchell has been able to cause international sensation, because the reason that “With With Wind (1936)” became a miracle in the publishing world when it was released and sold well all over the world. Its pirated books are also overwhelming . Three years later, “Gone with the Wind” was adapted into a movie, into