类受体激酶在植物发育、自交不亲和、雄性不育、抗逆和抗病等生命过程中起着重要的调控作用。为了对水稻类受体激酶的功能及生物学特性进行深入研究,本实验克隆表达了水稻中5个类受体激酶抗原表位片段,以纯化的蛋白质为抗原免疫新西兰兔,获得了特异性较高的多克隆抗体。Western blotting检测结果表明,5个类受体激酶均在叶片中表达。
Receptor kinases play an important regulatory role in the development of plants, self-incompatibility, male sterility, stress resistance and disease resistance. In order to further study the function and biological characteristics of rice receptor kinase, we cloned and expressed five kinds of receptor-like kinase epitopes in rice. The purified protein was used as an antigen to immunize New Zealand rabbits. High polyclonal antibody. Western blotting results showed that all five receptor kinases were expressed in leaves.