纪念“八一”建 军节六十周年 在茫茫的戈壁滩上,一枚枚银色的战略导弹象一个个整装待发的士兵,静静地伫立在那里,只要一声令下,它们便冲天而起,给敌人以迎头痛击。 被称为“第二炮兵”的我军战略导弹部队组建于1966年。它是以打破核垄断,加强自卫能力,防止核战争的发生为目的而建立起来的;是随着国民经济和国防科研的发展,原子弹、氢弹以及导弹核武器的结合相继试验成功而成长壮大起来的。经过20年的发展,战略导弹部队已经成为一个配套齐全的合成兵种,装备了各种型号的导弹,成功地进行了许多项演习,并且建立了战备值班部队。
Commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the “August 1” military establishment On the vast Gobi Desert, a silver-colored strategic missile, standing like a soldier waiting to be stood silently, stands there in silence. Give the enemy a head-on blow. Our strategic missile unit called “Second Artillery” was formed in 1966. It was set up to break the nuclear monopoly, strengthen its capability of self-defense and prevent the occurrence of nuclear war. With the successful development of the national economy and national defense scientific research, the success of the atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and missile nuclear weapon successively succeeded in developing and expanding . After 20 years of development, the strategic missile force has become a fully-fledged synthetic unit armed with various types of missiles, successfully conducting many exercises and setting up combat readiness troop units.