English Vocabulary Teaching Method in Middle School

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  Vocabulary is a fundamental component of a language and of critical importance to the middle school students. Therefore, how to help students acquire vocabulary is one of the most important tasks for language teaching English words are the most important elements in the English study. “Without grammar, little can be conveyed and without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. (Wilkins, 1972).
  However, we found a common appearance in the English vocabulary learning: when students spend a lot of time to remember vocabularies through reciting one by one, they own many words independently but they cannot apply to these vocabularies when they use them to write, read and so on. The famous linguists Harmer compared grammar to skeleton and vocabulary with organs, blood and flesh. (王笃勤,2002).
  The thesis refers to the vocabulary teaching method in middle school. It discusses the four teaching methods such as structural teaching method, situational teaching method, communicative teaching method and audiovisual teaching method. These methods of vocabulary teaching in the hope of helping to find appropriate strategies to memorize vocabulary firmly are presented in every chapter and some effective ways of vocabulary are suggested so as to arouse students’ interest in vocabulary learning and enlarge their vocabulary successfully.
  Vocabulary is very important for language learners. It is starting point of learning foreign language. Students’ reading, listening and writing are greatly influenced by their size of vocabulary. It is for better to spend time on strategies that the learners can use to deal with these words than to spend time on individual words (Nation, 1990:159). So it is clear that if a teacher wants to help students cope with vocabulary, particularly in reading, he’d better teach them some strategies first. Without vocabulary, it would be impossible to learn a foreign language. English words are the most important elements in English study. Just like bricks in building a house. If you have no bricks, you cannot set up a house with a large enough vocabulary, Students are able to read extensively and spend their knowledge. Thus they can speak fluently and write easily, smoothly. Increasing the students’ vocabulary co increase their facility in communication. If students are poor in vocabulary, they cannot express themselves clearly and they cannot communicate with others. Living in the world, everybody has to get in touch with others, nobody can live independently. The English linguist George W. Wilkins (1972) argues, “Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”So vocabulary is the basic building blocks of language. It is the foundation of English learning to master a certain number of words. In fact, whether an English learner has a large vocabulary, it becomes one of the measurements to judge the level of his learning. 
  Word is an important part of English knowledge and constitutes a component of our mental grammar. But the main problems of students’vocabulary acquisition are memorizing of words, mastery of word meaning and application of words. And the purpose of vocabulary teaching is to help students solve these problems so as to master the target language.
  “Language is partly a science and partly an art.” The English teachers can be successful in teaching if they have effective teaching methods. But the most important thing is that teachers try to arouse students’interest and activate their motivation by making learning vocabulary interesting and vivid with effective ways. They should help students consider the factor that affect their learning and discover the learning vocabulary strategies that suit them best. Strategy training can be particularly valuable to students in middle school. Teaching of some effective learning strategies cannot only facilitate their learning of English, but also develop the capacity for taking charge of their own learning independently in the life-long learning process. The following vocabulary learning methods: word-building rules and common affixes, pronunciation and spelling rules, lexical sets, translation and exemplify, context or sentence pattern, various activities, culture, real objects and employing demonstrations etc, can be trained to help the students acquire vocabulary.
  By situational method we find that the key of English vocabulary teaching is to grasp the context. We must reply on information of all aspects supplied by context to define the word meaning. The role that context plays in the understanding of word meaning cannot be taken place by any dictionary teaching vocabulary combined with context helps to create English atmosphere, develops the ability of using English. English vocabulary teaching is an important link in English teaching for this reason. More attention should be paid to part that context plays in vocabulary teaching.
  Students are responsible for their learning. In communicative method in circumstance, students should play a role in various activities. But there are some teachers cannot guide and help their students to be a better learner of English. The teacher should offer them more possible chances to study further and do some contributions to the cause of national culture.
  However, we found a common appearance in the English vocabulary learning: when students spend a lot of time to remember vocabularies through reciting one by one, they own many words independently but they cannot apply to these vocabularies when they use them to write, read and so on. The famous linguists Harmer compared grammar to skeleton and vocabulary with organs, blood and flesh. (王笃勤,2002).
  The thesis main refers to vocabulary teaching method in middle school. It is composed of four vocabulary-teaching methods. It included that structural teaching method, situational teaching method, communicative teaching method and audiovisual teaching method. These methods of vocabulary teaching in the hope of helping to find appropriate strategies to memorize vocabulary firmly, especially, interesting methods are presented in every chapter and some effective ways of vocabulary are suggested so as to arouse students’ interest in vocabulary learning and enlarge their vocabulary successfully.
  How to teach English vocabulary efficiently is a question faced by all teachers of English. It goes without saying that each teacher has his own ways of teaching vocabulary. And there are some common methods for it. In recent years there have appeared a few books on methods for teaching English. 〖JP3〗Many ways are suitable for explaining. Most research
on vocabulary learning strategies has focused on various methods of vocabulary, and their effects on retention, i.e. the most studied vocabulary learning strategies are memory strategies (Gu & Johnson, 1996). Gu & Johnson focused on the relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary size .They investigated the vocabulary learning strategies used by 850 Chinese learners of English and the relationship between vocabulary learning strategy use and learning outcomes as measured in terms of vocabulary size and general language proficiency. The researchers correlated the results of a questionnaire with those of vocabulary test and a language proficiency test. Contextual guessing, the skills of using dictionaries, note-taking, and activation of newly learned words correlated positively with the true test scores, but visual repetition of new words was the strongest negative predictor of both vocabulary size and general proficiency. An attempt was also made to identify five groups of learners based on the combination of strategies used. In the same view, Lawson and Hogben (1996) discovered that vocabulary-learning strategies involving elaborate processing are more useful than repetition based ones.
  All in all, this piece is intended to introduce and illustrate some additional ways and means for teaching English vocabulary. The thesis may also help develop the students’ skills and habits of reciting vocabulary in his study of English, so that his interest in the study of the English language as a whole will be increased, and his comprehension will be enhanced.
开发学习潜能是各学科统一的教学目的,是素质教育的重要内容。开发学习潜能主要指开发学生的智力。智力是能力的一部分。能力是顺利地完成某项活动的个性心理特征。智力是指适合多种活动要求、为人所共有的一般能力,包括观察、注意、记忆、思维和想像等能力。开发学习潜能是发展个性的必由之路。那么,如何开发学生的学习潜能呢?    一、培养观察力    英语学习主要靠模仿,模仿的前提是观察。在课堂上,教师是第一模
创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的强大动力,创新能力的培养是素质教育的重要核心。创新能力的培养离不开想象,想象是创造的基础,是创造的源泉,没有想象就没有创造。因此,要培养学生的创新能力,首先就要培养学生的想象力。根据高中英语课堂教学的一般程序,结合自己的教学实践,谈谈在高中英语教学中培养学生想象力的几点体会。     一、读前预测法:     课文的标题往往体现文章的主旨,课文中的插图
【摘要】在高中理科各科目中,物理科是相对较难学习的一科,学过高中物理的大部分同学,特别是物理成绩中差等的同学,总有这样的疑问:“上课听得懂,听得清,就是在课下做题时不会。”这是个普遍的问题,值得物理教师和同学们认真研究。   【关键词】高中物理;学习方法;兴趣     一、调整学习心态,端正学习态度    学生觉得物理“难学”,并不是先天不足,相反有的“天资聪慧”,他们之所以觉得“难学”,是因
兴趣是一种学习的动力。当学生对学习发生兴趣时,就会形成一种渴求掌握知识的内在动力。学习英语的兴趣越浓,学习的积极性就越高,学习的效果会越好。从教学角度讲,要想取得好的教学效果,作为教师就必须想方设法使学生明确学习目的,激发其学习英语的兴趣,寓教于乐,启发思维。    一、欣赏促兴趣    英语作为一种国际性语言,其音韵节奏、词语用法等表达方式都具有较高的审美价值。在英语教学中,适当渗透对语言艺
在教学过程中,学生普遍感到困难的是记忆单词。为了提高学生的记忆效率,笔者在试用新教材的过程中,对如何提高学生的记忆力方面作了一些探索。  记单词是学生学英语的一个薄弱环节,如何帮助学生在单位时间内最高效率地牢牢记住所学的词汇,只有解决了效率的问题,才能既减轻学生的负担,又提高教学质量,我们要向效率要时间,而不是用时间补效率,这是我们英语教师要致力研究的课题。  那么,应该如何在课堂教学中有意识
实行新课程改革以后,教师的教育理念发生了很大的变化。课堂教学逐渐由教师的教转变为学生的学,教学效果明显改善。但由于传统教育教学观念的影响,在课堂教学中还有很多教学细节被教师忽略。而教学的精彩之处在往往就体现在教师敏锐的捕捉教学细节、科学处理教学细节上。所以,关注课堂上孩子的每一个行为细节,捕捉细节,珍视细节,欣赏细节,才能使我们的语文课堂精彩无限。     一、精彩源自“生命关怀”。 新课程的核
【摘要】新课改要求生物教学应达成“热爱大自然,珍爱生命,理解人与自然和谐发展的意义,逐步养成良好的生活与卫生习惯,确立积极、健康的生活态度。生命教育是生物教学的一根主旋律,在生物教学中开展生命教育,要教育学生用感恩的心体会世界;健康成长,自理自立;掌握方法,熟练技能;渗透情感,懂得博爱。   【关键词】生物教学;学生;生命教育    生命教育是生物教学的主旋律,如何让生物课堂的音符在生命教育的旋
【摘要】研究性学习就是指学生在教师的指导下从学习生活和社会生活中选择并确定研究专题,用类似科学研究的方式,主动地获取知识,应用知识,解决问题的学习方式。开展研究性学习是物理教学的必然趋势。为了使学生通过研究性学习都能逐步提高,教师在实施研究性学习时应注意转变师生观念和教育理念;做好研究性学习的铺垫工作;让课堂成为物理研究性学习的主阵地。   【关键词】高中物理;研究性学习;学生;教师    一、