A Brief Review on Linguistic Features of Business Correspondence

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  Abstract: Commercial correspondence is a vital section in the course of signing the sales contract. It plays an increasingly important role in foreign trade. In the letters, it needs some language skills to refine compact words to express clear position. Nevertheless, analyzing its language description systematically from the perspective of stylistics is relatively still a new field. This paper has used the modern stylistics to theoretically analyze the language description in English commercial correspondence from three aspects— glossary, syntax and context.
  Keywords: language features, context of situation, commercial correspondence
  1 Introduction
  The exchange of information is essential in foreign trade, while the common form of information exchange is by business letters. In a sense, letters are main ways of modern communication. English, as a worldwide working language, has certainly become the main language of commercial correspondences. So, what the paper discusses is English commercial correspondence.In order to increase the authenticity of the analysis, this paper analyzes them from two particular viewpoints—language features and context.
  2 Language Features
  2.1 Word Bit
  To enable the recipient to obtain information or take action, English business letters are always used in written language. To start with the word bit, we will discuss these following aspects with great emphasis.
  Punctuation: Comma and full stop are two punctuations that people most commonly use. However, the usage of these two punctuations which is worth making a careful study in business letters is usually neglected. A variety of punctuation is used in style adverb to make it more attractive and unique. While in commercial correspondence, we customarily use comma and full stop. A comma is sometimes used to set off a clause in a sentence, but also as a borderline between transitional phrase and other parts of the sentence.
  Uppercase, another important characteristic in the style of business letters is different from the capital letters in other style adverbs. In commercial correspondences, uppercase is used chiefly as an abbreviation of technical terms or fixed phrases. With the accelerated pace of the economy, more and more abbreviations represented by uppercase are applied in business letters to save our time and money.
  2.2 Glossary
  Affected by particular aims, topics and readers, the choice of vocabulary in commercial correspondences has the following typical style markers.   Simple, specialized and specific vocabulary: In view of the effect of aims, topics and readers on commercial correspondences, many traders have raised the standard of written English. And that’s the 7 “C”—completeness, conciseness, consideration, concreteness, clearness, courtesy and correctness. In these 7 “C”, conciseness, concreteness, clearness, courtesy and correctness require vocabulary to be accurate, which has a major impact on the formation of a unique style of commercial correspondences.
  Loanword: Business letters always borrow a large amount of words from common words, and then give them new special meanings. This kind of specialized vocabulary has become the unique characteristics of commercial correspondences.
  Dynamic verb: Being different from sativa verb, dynamic verb can give sentences life and enable readers to take note of the action that the verb expressed. So, in commercial correspondences, we should use intensive dynamic verbs as much as possible in order to persuade readers to take positive action.
  2.3 Syntax
  Narrative sentences and imperative sentences account for a considerable proportion in business letters. Aims of commercial correspondences are notification, persuasion and denial. Purposes of notification and denial determine the depiction of the facts—narrative sentences. It can express orders, advice and requirements and affect readers’ actions. Imperative sentences can be used for first person, third person, but also can be used for second person whose subjects can be omitted. Simple sentences—another occupation for an overwhelming majority in commercial correspondences. Business English writing require sentences be concise and accurate, so in commercial correspondences, sentences are usually simple and complete.
  3 Context
  Character of language users can be reflected from age, gender, social region, race and educational background. All these elements will have a direct effect on the style of the language. What’s more, the impact of age on commercial correspondences is not so significant. And the gender is mainly reflected on salutation. Social region or race background also has a certain impact on the style of commercial correspondences. There are mainly three purposes of business letters: notification, persuasion and denial. Notification is to let the reader know something, and to achieve their goals, writers always use narrative sentences. The purpose of persuasion is to persuade readers into taking positive action, so writers will use a large amount of imperative sentences that contain dynamic verbs. The purpose of denial is to convey a negative message. Such information often leaves the reader disappointed, and even annoys him.
  4. Conclusion
  The analysis of language features has indicated that commercial correspondences always use a mass of comma, full stop, uppercase, acronym, short sentences and paragraphs, loanword, dynamic verbs, numerals, narrative sentences, imperative sentences and collective sentence patterns. Then, we also combine context to analyze the root of the appearance of the language features. From this analysis, it’s easy to see that, from past to present, commercial correspondences have transited step by step from the very formal style to the informal style. But we believe that it won’t reach the extreme of informal form, because it is dictated by its unique context.
近几年高考语文试题,文学类文本阅读和实用类文本阅读,都越来越注重对人物形象的考查。为了进一步提高学生对人物类题型的解答能力和答题的规范性,现将这类题型的规范答题技巧作一探究归纳。  一、人物形象概括题  这类题型主要考查对人物形象特点的概括归纳能力,可以从以下几个方面切入:①人物的身份、地位、经历、教养、气质等;②人物的外貌、神态、语言、动作、心理等;③特定的社会历史背景;④作者对人物的介绍和评价
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阅读教学是语文教学的重中之重,历来备受关注。在大力推进新课程改革的今天,一些教师的教学理念、具体做法很容易陷入误区。他们在阅读教学的操作过程中常常感到茫然而不知所措。下面笔者谈谈阅读教学中常见的五大误区及走出误区的对策、方法:  一、阅读教学中的误区  (一)以讲代读,喧宾夺主  有些阅读课,老师在学生没有整体把握课文内容的情况下,就开始对文章的结构、内容、主旨等反复地进行讲解,面面俱到,眉毛胡子
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