How to present new lessons in English teaching

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  Presentation is to lead students to the state of learning before the teachers teach a new lesson. It can help students get interested in new lessons, and help them bring out the desire of learning and inspire them to ponder over questions actively.
  Now,I’d like to introduce two of them.
  1、Review presentation
  The study of psychology shows that apperception depends on the perceptual experience people have.People will accept things more quickly when they have more perceptual experience.
  We call the review before a new lesson “the knowledge preparation for the new lesson”in English teaching methods.So English teachers should try their best to find out the connections between the new and old knowledge.For example,when the teacher teaches the structure “Do you like doing something”,he can revise the structure:Do you like…(food)? The teacher can use a picture with some foods and drinks for help.
  When the teacher asks students the above question, he may answer“I like milk”or“I like orange”.As the teacher shows the action of drinking,he will say:“I like drinking.”Write it on the blackboard and ask them:“Do you like drinking?”To see if the students can answer it correctly.Then the teacher can start the new lesson.
  With the help of old knowledge(Do you like…?I like…),the students can know how to ask:Do you like doing something?Such presentation brings students into the new lesson at ease.Old knowledge is not strange to students and it can help students accept and understand the new lesson easier and better.
  2、Background presentation
  During the study of English,a lack of general knowledge of foreign culture often makes it difficult for the students to understand the language materials,which will affect the effiency of the teaching. So before presenting new lessons,the teacher should introduce something about the new materials to help students remove their thinking obstacle.In JEB1,Lesson 12,there is a dialogue between a Chinese girl and a foreign woman.We can tell the students before class that people often don’t ask others private things,such as age,marriage or salary in western countries.When someone asks such questions,they will answer them:“Ah,it’s a secrect!”After this,it’s easier to teach the new word “secret”and the sentence“it’s a secrect”.And it’ll leave the students a deep impression.
  The introduction of background gives a new meaning of culture to English teaching. Most of the students show a special interest in foreign culture. They will also take a great interest in English if the teacher begins a lesson with its background. This way will lead the students to understand the new lesson correctly and improve their literary attainments.
  “Well begun is half done.”Clever presentation will also help the students understand and absorb new knowledge.New lessons,presentation shows us the creation and teaching methods of the teachers and also helps the students display their talents.Good presentation can help the students accept and understand the language materials and can improve the efficiency of our English teaching.If we present every new lesson meticulously, our teaching in English classes will be full of vigor and vitality and our English teaching and studying will make a great success.
随着新世纪的到来,知识经济的浪潮已汹涌而至。知识经济时代要求人才拥有更多的专业知识和技能,更强调知识的创新。知识创新的目的是为了追求新规律、创造新方法、积累新知识。因此,在教学中一定要培养学生的创新能力,这是教育改革的方向所在。    一、在化学习题教学中培养创新能力    习题是教学中不可缺少的重要素材,习题教学更是培养创新能力的重要途径。特别是一题多解、一题多变,从不同角度思考、用不同方法解题
生物是一门以实验为基础的自然科学。有很多知识都是前人在实验的基础上总结得出的,所以在课堂教学中多开设分组实验、演示实验可以帮助教师有条理地讲解知识,更有助于学生理解和记忆知识。因此,实验课的开设往往能收到事半功倍的效果。下面就是我在教学中开展实验课的一些体会,说出来与大家共勉。    一、明确实验目的,激发学生的学习兴趣    心理学告诉我们,目的是人采取行动的原因,而动机则是激励人去行动的动力。
复习既要纵向整理所学知识,使知识条理化、系统化,又要横向沟通各种知识,揭示知识之间的内在联系。这样做,有利于帮助学生综合运用数学知识去分析问题、解决问题,使他们的知识智力和能力得到进一步的提高。下面,笔者以应用题为例谈几点做法与体会。    一、注意辨析易混的题型结构    一些题型结构相似的题目,组织在一起进行辨析对比,可以帮助学生从本质上区别它们,排除相互间的干扰,提高判断能力。  例1:甲仓
改革开放20多年来,对外交流和科学文化的迅速发展,使整个社会和越来越多的人认识到学习英语的重要性。家长对孩子们寄予了更多的期盼,送他们上各种各样的辅导班,希望他们提高英语水平,为今后的升学、就业或出国奠定基础。这从客观上也促进了英语教育的发展。  1、传统的“哑巴”英语已经得到纠正。以前,英语学习都体现在笔尖上,根本不注重听力和口语;现在,人们从实践中已经了解到口语的必要性,在中小学听力和口语表达
在英语教学中,引英语歌曲入课堂,创设兴趣情境是寓教于乐的一种好方法。    一、在热身环节中引入英语歌曲,以激发兴趣    如果学习课堂气氛沉闷,学生的积极性便会很低。一节课下来,有些学生就会利用课间十分钟里尽情地玩。那么,学生如何在下一节课把精神集中起来呢?在英语课堂中,我们往往会以唱英语歌曲作为热身活动。唱与所学知识有关联的英语歌曲,可以唤起学生脑海中的知识积存,一边听着熟悉的音乐,一边唱起熟
我担任了多年初三化学教学工作,在摸索成长的过程中不乏酸甜苦辣,但是获益匪浅。由于初中学生学习化学仅有一年时间,初三化学教学不仅仅是授予新课的教学,还要正确引导学生进行系统地全面的复习,因此我在教学的安排中可谓慎之又慎、不敢大意,虽然取得的成绩不是十分突出,但在教学工作中却有深刻体会。    一、激发学生学习化学的兴趣    化学对于初三学生来讲是一门新学科。学生的好奇心与求知欲较强,对于变幻莫测的
进入中学阶段,学生们开始接触直接引语和间接引语。对于直接引语和间接引语的转换,学生们经常出错。下面将介绍几种方法,以帮助学生简简单单地学会引语。    一、人称的变化    Mary said:“I bring my pen to school every day.”   Mary said that she took her pen to school every day.     二、时态的变