1994年11月30日,山西省沁水县人民法院作出裁定,将该县乡镇企业供销公司座落在县城北丰厂东部的21间房屋和所征用土地3.03亩以及县汽车运输公司座落在县城食品街繁华地带的24间楼房和所征用土地1.009亩分别作价28.35万元和40.84万元归县农业银行所有,用以抵偿乡镇企业供销公司所欠县农行贷款50万元及其利息18多万元。至此,该县一起诉讼长达3年零4个月的借款合同纠纷大案宣告终结。 该县乡镇企业供销公司系县乡镇局下属的一个独立核算的集体所有制企业,主营物资供销业务。1987年以前,由于受资金、信息、管理等诸多方面因素制约,业务经营状况不佳,效益低下,累欠国家银行贷款30多万元。1988年,在深化企业改革、转换经营机制的浪潮中,县人民政府对该公司实行了承包
November 30, 1994, Shanxi Qinshui County People’s Court ruled that the county township enterprises supply and marketing companies located in the east of Beifeng plant 21 houses and land requisitioned 3.03 acres and the county is located in the car transport company 24 buildings in the bustling strip of food street of the county and 1.009 mu of requisitioned land are all priced at 283,500 yuan and 408,400 yuan respectively, which are all owned by Guixian Agricultural Bank to offset the loan of 500,000 yuan owed by the township enterprise supply and marketing company and the interest of 18 yuan Million. So far, the county with a lawsuit up to three years and four months of the loan contract dispute has come to an end. The county township enterprise supply and marketing company is an independent accounting collective-owned enterprises affiliated to the county and township bureau, the main material supply and marketing business. Prior to 1987, due to the constraints of funds, information, management and other factors, the business operation was not good and the profit was low. The bank owed more than 300,000 yuan loans to the State Bank. In 1988, in deepening the reform of the enterprise and transforming the operating mechanism, the county people’s government contracted the company