当三星智能电视首次亮相2012德国柏林IFA展,便凭借其突出的智能内容和智能互动,为消费者创造了全新的家庭娱乐体验。万众瞩目的55英寸OLEDES9500、智能电视高端产品——75英寸LEDES9000,以及三星其他智能内容一并亮相此次IFA展。“Samsung Multi View”——OLEDES950055英寸的ES9500OLED电视具有无可比拟的出色画质、奢华典雅的外观设计以及全新的“Samsung Multi View”功能。三星ES9500的自发光子像素实现了更高程度的色彩还原,为消费者营造出身临其境的视听体验。OLED技术能
When Samsung Smart TV made its debut at the IFA show in Berlin, Germany in 2011, it created a new home entertainment experience for its consumers through its outstanding smart content and smart interaction. The eye-catching 55-inch OLEDES9500, smart TV high-end products - 75-inch LEDES9000, and other smart content Samsung unveiled at the IFA show. “Samsung Multi View ” - The OLED955555-inch ES9500OLED TV offers unparalleled quality, a luxurious, elegant design and the new “Samsung Multi View” feature. The Samsung ES9500’s self-emitting sub-pixel enables a higher degree of color reproduction, creating an immersive viewing experience for consumers. OLED technology can