1.聆听 所谓的聆听,应该是用我们的眼、耳和心去听对方的声音,同时不急着立刻知道事情的前因后果。我们必须愿意把自己的「内在对话」暂抛一边。 2.停顿 在对话之间,有时说,有时听;当听到自己心里响起「我不懂……」的声音时,就该暂时停顿一下问对方:「我是否错过了什么情节?」我们还必须提醒自己,放慢不自觉产生的机械式反应,停顿就像开车时,变换排挡时所需使用的离合器:先减速到某种程度,扣上齿轮之后,才能进行加速。
1. Listen to the so-called listening, should use our eyes, ears and heart to hear each other’s voice, without hurry to immediately know the cause and effect of the incident. We must be willing to put aside our own “internal dialogue.” 2. Pause Between conversations, sometimes speaking, sometimes listening. When you hear a voice that says “I do not understand ...”, you should pause for a moment and ask each other: “Am I missing something?” We also Must remind myself to slow down the mechanical reaction is not conscious, pause like driving a car, when changing the gear required for the clutch: first decelerate to some extent, buckle the gear, in order to accelerate.