有机微孔聚合物(MOPs)在气体存储、吸附分离和非均相催化等领域具有优良性质而广受关注.近年来,聚芳撑乙炔微孔骨架材料的研究成为MOPs领域中的热点.分别以三(4-乙炔基)苯胺、甲基三(4-乙炔基苯基)硅烷、苯基三(4-乙炔基苯基)硅烷为基本构筑单元,通过端炔基氧化均聚的方法,制备了三种聚芳撑乙炔微孔骨架材料,研究了结构组成对制备聚合物孔道性能和气体吸附性能的影响.氮气吸附测试结果表明,聚合物的Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET)比表面积的范围在602~715 m~2·g~(–1).由于骨架中含有富氮基团(三苯胺)以及具有较大的比表面积,在1.13 bar/273 K条件下,聚三(4-乙炔基)苯胺(TEPA-MOP)的CO_2吸附能力为1.59 mmol·g~(–1).此外,TEPA-MOP和聚苯基三(4-乙炔基苯基)硅烷(TEPP-MOP)具有优良的选择性吸附性能,对CO_2/N_2的选择性吸附分别是69.9和73.2.聚合物TEPA-MOP具有优异的CO_2/N_2的选择吸附性和适中的CO_2吸附能力,因此将在气体吸附与分离方面具有潜在的应用前景.
Organic microporous polymers (MOPs) have attracted much attention for their excellent properties in the fields of gas storage, adsorption and separation, heterogeneous catalysis, etc. In recent years, the research on microporous acetylene microporous framework has become a hot topic in the field of MOPs. The basic building blocks of tris (4-ethynyl) aniline, methyl tris (4-ethynylphenyl) silane and phenyl tris (4-ethynylphenyl) silane are prepared by oxidative homopolymerization of terminal alkynyl groups, Three kinds of poly (arylene-acetylene) microporous framework materials were prepared and the influence of structure composition on the pore properties and gas adsorption properties of the prepared polymers was investigated.The results of nitrogen adsorption showed that the specific surface area of Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) In the range of 602 ~ 715 m ~ 2 · g ~ (-1). Due to the nitrogen-containing groups (triphenylamine) and the large specific surface area in the framework, (TEPA-MOP) had a CO 2 adsorption capacity of 1.59 mmol · g -1. In addition, TEPA-MOP and TEPP-MOP showed excellent performance The selective adsorption of CO_2 / N_2 was 69.9% and 73.2%, respectively, and the polymer TEPA-MOP had excellent selective adsorption of CO_2 / N_2 And moderate CO_2 adsorption capacity, thus having potential application in terms of gas adsorption and separation.