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  从结识娜斯佳开始到现在已经有两年多的时间了,我们一直保持着通信联系。在2010年12月上旬,我外出开会,特意从大连走,去学校看望了她,这让她非常惊喜。现在她在大连外国语大学读比较文学专业,很快就要进行论文答辩了,论文题目是《鲁迅与契诃夫作品比较研究》,她是在大连外国语大学该专业第一个即将毕业的外国留学生。她在信中向我表露说希望有机会能留在中国工作,她丈夫也很支持她的这种想法。她是在去年暑期结婚的,新婚的丈夫非常支持她在中国的学习。在她写给我的英文信件中,字里行间洋溢着对丈夫的赞美,没有丈夫的理解与支持,她恐怕就不会回中国继续她的学业了。在俄罗斯男人节(The day of the motherland guardian,直译为“祖国守护者日”,俄罗斯把这一天作为男人节,表明在俄罗斯,男人的保家卫国的神圣使命。这一天,男人与男孩都将得到礼物与亲人的祝福)的那一天,她给丈夫的礼物是她亲手编织的袜子与手套。她说,在重要的日子里,将亲手制作的礼物送给我所爱的人,会得到加倍的珍惜与感动。
  2010年3月初,当我从俄罗斯共青城乘火车返回时途经离中国同江口岸最近的一个城市叫比罗比詹,由于第二天没有回国的班车,要等到第三天才能走。一个人在宾馆里,我盘算着第二天怎么过。我知道比罗比詹师范学院是我们的友好院校,但我不认识他们学校的任何人,他们更不认识我,我就给国内我们大学国际文化交流中心的一位老师打了一个电话,他告诉我可以给这所学校外事处的高峰(也叫阿廖沙)打电话,但电话却一直打不通,于是我就到宾馆前边的服装市场问路,这里的店主都是中国人,多是靠近中俄边界的同江人,他们告诉我比罗比詹师范大学就在宾馆前面这条街向东走50米的位置。到了校门口,我发现这所学校不像国内的大学,有大门或围墙、大楼,这里看不到与周围有什么太大的差别。就是普通的一栋楼,从正门进入后,要在类似国内的收发室登记,我不会俄语,说了半天英语和汉语,收发室的老太太听不懂,虽然也很和善的样子,但我还是不被允许上楼,我就盼着能碰见学生,因为我的印象是俄罗斯的年轻人英语都说得不错,这个时候进来了一个男学生,我和他打招呼,我用英语问了他学什么专业,是否想过有机会去中国,还谈到了阿廖沙。从他的眼神判断,他知道阿廖沙,他还用手机给阿廖沙打了电话,显然他也没有打通。我给了他一张我的名片,我拿出一本通讯录让他在上面留下Email地址。他示意我在下面等一下,就上楼了。约有5分钟的时间,下来两个女生,一个是学生模样,一个是老师。女学生用汉语给我介绍那位老师,说是他们的外语系主任,自己叫澳利娅,“你是佳木斯大学的,你想了解什么?”她用有点生硬的汉语和我对话。“我想了解一下学校的情况,比如教研室、汉语教学情况等。”我们一起上了楼,由系主任介绍,澳利娅做翻译,我参观了几个房间,当我们走进汉语课堂的时候,汉语老师朝我走来:“你是佳木斯大学来的?”我非常惊讶她汉语讲得那么流畅,“你是在哪里学的汉语,说得这么好?”我问道。“佳木斯大学国际文化交流中心”,她抑扬顿挫地回答,让我倍感亲切,原来是在我们大学学习过!在她的办公室,她给高峰打电话,电话通了,她告诉说佳木斯大学来人了,她把电话交给了我,电话的那端高峰让我在这里等他,说他很快就到。   高峰的个头可不像他的名字,不要说在俄罗斯,在中国也算矮个子。他开车带我到留学生宿舍,参观了留学生房间和公共厨房,整个宿舍楼里安静整洁。随后他开车陪我去他办公室,3分钟的路程,他说学生就在这里上课,距离很近很方便,还好像自言自语:“真奇怪,共青城那么远,你们往那儿送学生。”我回应道:可能是历史的原因吧,两所学校有协议。一进他的办公室,他就和我说上你的QQ吧,我就在QQ的“说说”上写下了“人在俄罗斯远东,一切都好!”算是给国内的QQ好友通报一下平安。中午的时候,我们在中国同江人开的中餐馆就餐,他们分管外事的原副校长出席。高峰说吃上几顿俄餐后你有可能就会想念中国的饭菜了,他的汉语说得比较流畅。他们两个人都见证了与我们大学不同时期的友好往来,虽然是第一次见到我,但就像对待老朋友一样,不需要一个预热的过程。在这里,我得到了访问行程计划外的“非常中国”的友好接待,很温暖。
  Russian Youths I Have Met
  By Zheng Lixin
  As vice president of International College of Jiamusi University in Heilongjiang Province in northeastern China, I have met many young Russians during my trips to Russian Far East when I escorted Chinese students to study there. I am under the impression that young people in Russia are becoming increasingly aware of China and that they are taking a greater interest in learning about Chinese culture, doing a sightseeing tour in China or even working in China. The following accounts are about three young people I have met in Russian Far East.
  I met her in early March 2010 during my first visit to the Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. She was chosen to be my interpreter as she was one of the best Russian students who spoke Chinese fluently. I was deeply impressed by her fluency. In December 2010, I visited her at Dalian International Studies University where she was majoring in comparative studies. She was delighted to see me on the campus. At that time she was about to defend her dissertation on comparison between works of Lu Xun and Chekhov. She was to become the university’s first foreign graduate specialized in that field. She wrote me that she wished to stay in China and find a job and that her husband supported her ambition.
  While at Amur State University, she mixed well with Chinese students studying there and enjoyed friendship with them. I appreciated her use of the opportunity to learn Chinese culture from Chinese students. Her Chinese friends at Amur State University benefited a great deal from the friendship with Nastya.
  She is now studying for her PhD degree in Chinese at Heilongjiang University. Before she came to China, she worked for the foreign affairs office at the Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Her PhD dissertation focuses upon a comparative study on higher education reform in Russia and China. She did research on all the higher education institutions in Heilongjiang Province where Russian students take courses. I helped her collect information, including the information on Russian students enrolled in all the majors and at all levels from 1998 to 2010. I was deeply impressed by the way she did her research.   In the spring of 2012, Chinese photographer Lan Sha held an exhibition in Komsomolsk. I emailed Alina about this event and I also wrote to Dr. Sun Xiangyu working at Confucius Institute at the Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Sun brought Russian students and teachers at Confucius Institute to visit the exhibition, for he felt that the visit was an opportunity to see China close at hand for these Russian students. Alina visited the exhibition too. She commented that the photos exposed her to the life and natural beauty of the remote areas of China, which foreigners on a package tour usually do not have a chance to see.
  In May 2009, Alina visited Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius, in Shandong Province. The trip was organized for foreign students studying in China on government scholarships and the purpose was to enable these students to experience Chinese culture in depth. Alina has visited quite a few Chinese cities such as Jiamusi, Qiqiha’er, Daqing, Changchun, Shenyang, Dalian, Jinan, Nanjing and Shanghai. Nanjing and Jinan appeal a great deal to her.
  I met Alyosha in March 2010 when I stopped over at Birobidzhan on my way back home. I needed to spend a whole day in the city as the earliest coach for China wouldn’t leave until the day after the next day. Birobidzhan Teachers College had friendly ties with our university, but I did not know anybody personally there. So I called a colleague at the international cultural exchange center at our University back home. He gave me the name of Alyosha and his phone number. I could not get through to the number. So I went to visit a garment market in front of the hotel and found many Chinese businesspeople there. I chatted with them making enquiry about the college. They said the college was about 50 meters away in the east from the hotel.
  The gatekeeper of the college refused to let me in. I tried Chinese and English. She was very friendly but adamant. Then I saw a student coming out. I chatted with him in English and asked about Alyosha. Fortunately, he seemed to know Alyosha. Again, he failed to get through to the number. He asked me to wait and rushed upstairs. A moment later, a student and a teacher came downstairs. The student said the teacher was the dean of foreign languages department at the college. The student said her name was Oliya. So Oliya acted as interpreter. I introduced myself and said I was staying in the city for the day and I hoped to know more about the college. The dean took me around and showed me a few classrooms. Then we came to a classroom where a teacher was teaching Chinese. I was surprised to find her speaking Chinese very fluently. I asked where she had studied Chinese. It turned out that she had studied Chinese at the international cultural exchanges center at our university!   In her office, she called Alyosha. Alyosha came. He did not look like how his Chinese name高峰 (towering peak) described him. Even in China, he would look like a short man. He took me to visit dorms for overseas students and the student public kitchen. Then he drove me to his office. It was a 3-minute drive. He said the students enjoyed the closeness of classrooms. He wondered why our university sent students to Komsomolsk-on-Amur as it was so far away. I explained that the two universities went back in many years.
  We had lunch together at a Chinese restaurant in the city. We invited the ex-vice-president in charge of international programs over. Alyosha and the vice president were witnesses to the exchange programs of my university at different times. Though we met for the first time, we chatted amiably as if we had known each other for a long while. My unscheduled visit to the collage was warmly appreciated and I felt touched by friendship I saw everywhere I went.
  My limited exposure to the young people in Russian Far East gives me the impression that they are sincere and honest, that they look cool and handsome, and that they are warm-hearted to their friends and dare to love.
回顾我国经济体制改革的历程,介绍现代企业制度的内涵、特点,提出邮政企业面临的问题。 Reviewing the course of our country’s economic system reform, introducing the c
A:现在比较认可的观点是,人类免疫缺陷病毒HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus)起源于感染非洲狒狒(chimpanzee)和黑猩狸(gorillas)的类人猿免疫缺陷病毒SIV(Simian Immunodef
有女儿的教师几乎都是幸福的,因为女儿们大多学习自觉,成绩优秀,无需替她过于操心费神。有儿子的教师呢,那就不一定了,甚至感到烦恼多多。即使是在自己父母任 Almost all te