《地质之光》是徐迟写的报告文学,报告的是李四光的事迹.发表在《人民文学》一九七七年第十期,已选入全日制十年制学校初中语文第六册,节选的是该文第五、六部分.为了便利教学,现介绍参考材料如下: 李四光是科技战线上的一面又红又专的旗帜,是老一辈地质科学家的代表,他创建的地质力学第一次把运动、把应力(压力、张力和扭力对物体的作用)、把力学带进了动态地质学,在地质领域作出了杰出的贡献.
Geological Light is a reportage written by Xu Chi. It reports the deeds of Li Siguang. It was published in the tenth issue of People’s Literature in 1977 and has been selected as the sixth volume of junior high school Chinese in a full-time 10-year school. Excerpts are the fifth and sixth parts of the article. In order to facilitate teaching, the reference materials are as follows: Li Siguang is a red and special banner on the technological front. He is a representative of the older generation of geoscientists. He created the first geomechanics. Once the movement, the stress (stress, tension and torsion force on the object), brought the mechanics to dynamic geology, made outstanding contributions in the field of geology.