On the design style of new naturalism

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  1. "new naturalism" style of book cover design
  The cover is also called "book cover", "cover", also known in ancient times "book clothing", is an important part of the book. The form, style and aesthetic taste of the cover also affects and infects the readers unconsciously. Therefore, the cover design only grasps the theme and spirit of the book, and highly generalizes on the materials and ideas, then it will be concise and expressive, which makes people very interesting. The author thinks that the book cover design in current our country exists excessive decoration, the lack of connotation, book designers to cater to the requirements of the press or the bookseller, in book design art design, abandoned the design elements, the nature of the advertising effect of one-sided pursuit of book covers, is a general feeling of cover design beautifully dressed, colors, and add to the society as the wind, make books lack of cultural implication and scroll breath, lost books of the most essential inner function. These completely deviate from the trend of "new naturalism" style development of book design. However, zhu has a totally different design concept from them. His book design works pay much attention to nature, mainly reflecting on the observation of natural phenomena and laws. "Beside the worms" mainly tells the world of worms, and records the story of the book garden and the insects nearby. On the cover of this book, zhu yingchun is partially folded inspired by the window gaps, which is an interesting form of insect formation "dew" and "hide" on the cover. The top of the crevice reads: "where you overlook, there is a wonderful world." The inner page of the book is in the form of both pictures and texts, which organically combines photography, hand-drawn illustration and text, and forms a coordinated and unified format effect with the cover. The design features of this "new naturalism" style not only make the readers feel the life course of the micro world, but also make the books form a unique cultural temperament.
  2. "new natural style" of book layout design
  Layout design is an important part of book binding. It is a unified design by text arrangement, font size and font selection, picture and graphics arrangement and column division. Make the structure of each part balance and coordinate, provide the reader with convenient and comfortable reading space. Mr. Zhu yingchun also used the "new naturalism" style incisively and vividly in the layout design of books. For example, "design poems" is a collection of creative poems created by zhu yingchun. The format of the book is that zhu yingchun designs his poems into the form of visual illustration, and achieves the double artistic conception of words and graphics, and produces the poetic effect of graphics, vivid images and interesting. For example, in the poem "little bee" in the book, the sound of the bees bumping against the glass is used to describe the repeated scattered arrangement of "buzz" and "touch". It describes the situation of the bees hitting the glass, looking for the exit and finally falling down due to exhaustion. Another example is a poem about people who were robbed in a bus. It shows how much money changes with the decrease of the strokes of "money". Through the changes of the strokes of "money", it is a metaphor for the scene of people fighting with gangsters. "Design poetry" utilizes the expression form of "new naturalism" style, makes the poetry graphical through the distortion of the characters and the free arrangement of the layout in the present diversified era of "reading pictures", guides the readers to understand and comprehend the artistic conception in the poetry from the visual form, and broadens the artistic form of poetry creation. In the free typesetting, the "image" of the poem reveals its unique natural flavor, which makes the work present its unique artistic features.   3. "new naturalism" style of book material
  The ancients said that the beauty of implements depends to some extent on the beauty of materials. According to the contents of the book, zhu yingchun first chose the right materials to make the appropriate "wedding clothes". For example, the cover of the book "no cutting" is made of kraft paper and the red line of the sewing machine, which reflects the manual interest of the book. The inner pages of the book alternate between light yellow kraft paper and white paper, which complement the "edge" form of the book, forming the artistic characteristics of traditional Chinese books and bringing a unique aesthetic experience to the readers. For example, the cover of "design poem" adopts corrugated paper, which changes the bookbinding form to form a bare ridge effect. Then, the cover of vignettes selects soft dark green sea surface material, and processes the four corners of the book into rounded form, and adopts the form of bare ridge, which is round and compact. "Quotations duchamp" USES silver aluminum foil, with a modern, rebellious post-modern flavor, with a strong visual impact. For example, in the book "ink and powder ink", zhu yingchun chose soft and extremely thin paper to show the effect of dramatic curtain, making the overall characteristics of the book appropriate to the gentle and beautiful art style of kunqu opera. With these different paper presents different fate encounter, the material and the temperament of the book dovetail, zhu yingchun not only USES the "new naturalism" style perfectly in the book material design application, but also presents the powerful artistic appeal.
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关键词:传统媒体;版面设计;新媒体  近年来,重庆市各区县党报作为地方党委的喉舌和舆论工具,在有关部门的推动下,不断努力与新媒体融合。在报业竞争日益激烈的今天,版面设计作为报纸从直观上吸引读者的第一抓手,创新的成败直接影响着一份报纸的生命。  一、版面设计对对媒体发展的重要意义  1.弥补传统媒体平面属性的先天缺陷。  在信息匮乏时代,人们为了获得信息,可以忽略报纸的缺点。但当立体化、动态化、画面
摘要:企业工会是联系职工和企业之间的主要桥梁,工会工作的主要职责就是组织、引导和服务员工,既代表了职工的基本权益,又是他们利益的维护者。在构建和谐企业的过程中,工会负责人应该充分意识到企业工会的重要性,本文首先介绍了企业工会的主要职责,接着提出了一些工会工作的完善措施,以期为企业的相关负责人提供参考。  关键词:企业;工会;职责  企业工会组织是党领导下的群组组织,在维护好企业利益的时候,也要切实
摘要:随着无人机的飞速发展,无人机在我国得到广泛使用。无人机为民用领域提供了各种应用服务。然而,无人机操作员的任务与驾驶载人无人机的任务不同,而且在某些方面比驾驶载人无人机的任务更加困难。因此,国家空域无人驾驶飞行的标准和条例的制定必须特别注意无人机操作中的人为因素。本论文讨论了与无人机飞行有关的一些人为因素问题,并提出了今后研究的方向。  关键词:无人机;飞行安全;人为因素;操作员  一、简介 
对于从事新闻写作的人来说,我们都知道,新闻标题是新闻的一个组成部分,是在一篇或一组新闻本文之外,用以概括或评价新闻内容,区别于正文字体或字号的简要文字。  关于标题的作用,早在1919年,徐宝璜在他的著作《新闻学》中就做了表述。他认为,冠题目于新闻之前,有两个作用:其一,是便利阅读;其二,是引人注意。俗话说,“看书看皮,看报看题。”一条好的标题不仅能告诉受众新闻事实,起到“画龙点睛”作用,还能增强
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