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我国经济发展进入新常态,是党中央综合分析世界经济长周期和我国发展阶段性特征及其相互作用作出的重大判断。习近平总书记在多个场合、多次会议对新常态作了系统论述和深刻阐释,把我们党对经济发展规律的认识提升到了一个新的高度。习总书记以历史的眼光和辩证的思维,从时间与空间、历史与现实、理论与实践等多种角度,从什么是新常态、怎样看待新常态、新常态下怎么干等方面,深刻阐述了我们党对我国经济新常态的把握,为我们做好新 China’s economic development has entered a new normal. It is a major judgment made by the Central Party Committee on the comprehensive analysis of the long cycle of the world economy and the stage characteristics of our country’s development as well as their interactions. On many occasions, General Secretary Xi Jinping made systematic expositions and profound interpretations of the new normal at various meetings, raising our party’s understanding of the law of economic development to a new height. General Secretary Xi used the perspective of history and dialectical thinking to profoundly elaborate on what is the new normal and how to treat the new normal from the perspective of time and space, history and reality, theory and practice, etc. Our party has grasped the new normal of our economy and has done a good job for us
我当上中国第一代女挖掘机手 1951年,我这个朝鲜族小姑娘当上了我国第一代女挖掘机手,参加了大伙房水库和清河水库建设,那年才17岁。我驾驶的是前苏联进口的505大型挖掘机,
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随着全球经济一体化进程的不断推进,在 WTO 框架下的传统贸易壁垒受到很大的限制,技术性贸易壁垒正成为发达国家保护本国产品的新手段。发展中国家的对外贸易为此受到很大冲
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The National Mineral Resources Planning(2016-2020)issued by the Ministry of Land and Resources specifies national planning of 9copper mining area across the cou
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